Happy 2nd Anniversary - Sysnative Forums
A belated 2nd Anniversary/ Birthday to us - Sysnative Forums!
vBulletin and hosting for Sysnative Forums was purchased on 19 February 2012; installed the next day when Admin
Laxer (Geoff) joined me.
It is true that Sysnative was set up originally as a site for software/app development and distribution. We went public/ opened our doors on ~ 15 May 2012 -- primarily to distribute BSOD Dump Processing apps.
Then some unfortunate drama occurred with another site; then shortly thereafter, more unfortunate drama with another set of large sites and that was it for me - we went full-blown Tech Forum and are where we are today due to the kindness, generosity and hard work of
our staff.
Membership began to slowly increase, but it was still difficult at times to know if we would really make it or not. It didn't take long for us to realize that we had in fact "arrived" and are here to stay.
I can say without reservation that you all (staff + members) have made Sysnative Forums what it is today - a leading Internet super-technical site where many "last resort" cases end up from other forums and desperate OPs looking for a solution.
I wish to thank each and every Staff Member and Registered Member for your continued support and belief in Sysnative Forums.
With the utmost sincerity,