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    • Laxer
      Laxer reacted to xrobwx71's post in the thread jcgriff2 with Thanks Thanks.
      I've not been looking forward to this day. John and I became friends online about 5 years ago. We have kept in touch frequently since then...
    • Laxer
      Laxer reacted to GZ's post in the thread jcgriff2 with Thanks Thanks.
    • Laxer
      Laxer reacted to GZ's post in the thread jcgriff2 with Thanks Thanks.
      John and I go way back to my early days at TSF. I have spent time with him, in person, on many occasions. He taught me a great deal about...
    • Laxer
      Laxer reacted to A Guy's post in the thread jcgriff2 with Thanks Thanks.
      This saddens me greatly. He had told me a few years ago that the docs had found something that alleviated an issue he had, but wouldn't...
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