Hello to all of the hard workers and members here at Sysnative!
I am a Malware helper at both BleepingComputer and TSF but I've been kind of inactive the last 3 years due to going to college full time coupled with the other little things in life like keeping up with the bills, home repairs, saying yes to the wife and other distractions. In my absence I received my AS in Computer IT and am two credits shy of my general AA which will allow me to take more advanced computer-related classes should I choose. I've tried to keep up with what has been transpiring in the Malware related, as well as other, fields but have quite a bit of reading to do before I am truly back up to full speed. At age 63 it just doesn't come as fast it once did but I still manage to muddle along.
During the spring semester my PC with Windows 7 started blue screening and I just didn't have time to work on it with all the school material which was due, so I had to run out and buy another one. Now that summer is here and I will only have the two classes left in the fall things have lightened up and I can go back to studying Malware plus work on my other machine.
I was a bit long-winded in saying that, to say this is how I wound up here at Sysnative. While following links from TSF as I was reading the great info provided by jcgriff2, John Carrona and others on BSODs the route lead me here.
My intention is to try to learn enough to solve my own problem however I may have to break down and ask for assistance. Lots and lots to learn about BSODs. As the old song goes "It's not an overnight thing."
Anyway, enough of my meandering, I'm glad to have found another quality forum to peruse for information.