Emeritus, Contributor
Here's a little bookmarklet javascript code I developed which will take the selected text on the webpage, and use it as the id= in the DriverReference Table. So if somebody posts a driver onto a page, you can highlight it with your ibeam, then click your little javascript bookmark, and it will go to that driver's page in the DRT, assuming it exists
Bookmarklets don't work in IE.
Go create your bookmarklet :)
It's on my Chrome bookmarks bar.
javascript:var t=((window.getSelection&&window.getSelection())||(document.getSelection&&document.getSelection())||(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&document.selection.createRange().text));t=String(t).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');if(t!=''){(function(){''+t); })();}else{alert('Please select/highlight a driver on the page first!');};
Bookmarklets don't work in IE.
Go create your bookmarklet :)

It's on my Chrome bookmarks bar.