Wolfram Alpha Can Now Reduce Your Social Life to a Series of Graphs


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Facebook is a great place to follow the lives of friends, and family, but it’s also an amazing repository of your personal information. Even casual users would be surprised how much data they have poured into the service over the years, and now you finally have a way to put it into perspective. Wolfram Alpha, the world’s greatest computational knowledge engine, has launched a service that will reduce your Facebook social life to a series of mathematical charts.

My graphs were all messed up.

I don't use Facebook very much...I have one comment, and three statuses, and that isn't very much data to show on distribution graphs!

But it is really cool! I have a friend who uses Facebook a huge amount...one of these thousands of friends/photos/statuses people. I want to see her graph :p
My graphs were all messed up.

I don't use Facebook very much...I have one comment, and three statuses, and that isn't very much data to show on distribution graphs!

But it is really cool! I have a friend who uses Facebook a huge amount...one of these thousands of friends/photos/statuses people. I want to see her graph :p

I pulled up my girlfriends as I do not have one... I thought it was rather interesting...

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