Windows 10 being pushed out to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users


Sysnative Staff, Security Analyst
Staff member
Mar 16, 2015
I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread advertising this event here on Sysnative :)

Microsoft has started advertising Windows 10 to users of Windows 7 and 8 with the window that you see above. First noted by a user on Reddit, this window is now being reported by multiple users that Microsoft is allowing them to reserve a copy of the OS for free.

Source: Windows 7 and 8 users are now able to reserve their free copy of Windows 10

Another article, however I can't seem to access it:

Microsoft begins advertising Windows 10 to Windows 8/7 users, can now reserve free upgrade

Installed the KB3035583 which pushes the upgrade. After a restart and a few minutes, the icon appeared in my icon tray.


(French screenshot I know)

And Windows 10 will be pushed out officially on July 29th according to Microsoft.

Windows 10 launches on July 29th, here's how to get in line

Who's upgrading right now, and who's waiting until July 29th? :)
I'll be reserving Windows 10 as soon as I get back home tonight :) Will also notify my Sysadmin about this update to not let it go throught (in case it becomes an Important Update one day) otherwise we'll receive tons of calls about it.
I am seeing a bunch of people complaining about the added W10 icon in their System Tray/Notification areas. And sadly, I am seeing some recommend to uninstall the update that put it there. I think that is a mistake and I am recommending for those who don't want it in their tray to just change the settings for the icon in their Customize icons menu to "Only show notifications". Then it will remain hidden until something new is announced.

I am also recommending folks reserve their copies. This will give MS a better idea of how many will be upgrading and it will (if they take advantage of the info) allow MS to do some load leveling when the update does go out.

And finally, I am recommending folks ensure they keep Windows fully updated to ensure the best chance the upgrade to W10 goes smoothly.
Presumably the real purpose behind this update is so that as many systems as possible can quietly start downloading Windows 10 a day or two in advance to try to prevent a meltdown on launch.
I will :) I'll also specify that this will only hides it and not "remove" it. I'll do it when I get home tonight since I'll need my Windows 7 English VM to give the right option names and screenshots.
I'll also specify that this will only hides it and not "remove" it
Right, good idea. But also that it hides until a new announcement is released - which, IMO, is a good thing so folks don't miss something important.

My fear is some folks are objecting to this simply because the little icon is yet another thing Microsoft forced on us without asking. I understand that completely. But not everything Microsoft forces on us is evil or instantly needs to be removed. And at least with hiding, it can easily be unhid.
At this point, it isn't necessary to reserve a copy of Windows 10, to hide or remove the icon or not even have the icon because of never having installed KB 2990214, Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows and KB 3035583, Update enables additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 unless you want to be in the queue for the upgrade as soon as available. However, if you decide to upgrade before the year deadline, it appears that it will be necessary to install the optional updates.

Aura, you may want to include a link to the Windows 10 FAQ & Tips.
Sadly there's people like that on every forums and I deal with them a lot. Users that see evil in Microsoft and Windows, only complains about it but they keep on using it for whatever reason there is.

Corrine, I would add it if I could edit my first post. Can you do it for me since I can't?
I have the same problem over and over with this page. If I try to access the FAQ on Google Chrome, it returns me "Page requested not found". If I go on it via Internet Explorer, it works.
If I go on it via Internet Explorer, it works.
I'm the opposite. IE is my default browser and I am logged into my MS account with it. So I get a Page not found error with IE but not with Chrome or PM - unless I sign in with them. :(
It's the fact that everytime you want to access a Microsoft link it wants you to sign in via redirection (check the URL) I think and it messes up so many things. I've already been locked out from Microsoft on Google Chrome since it wouldn't load any of it's websites for causes of "TOO_MANY_REDIRECTIONS". So annoying -.-'
Direct link, copy/paste to address bar: [NO-PARSE][/NO-PARSE]
It's the fact that everytime you want to access a Microsoft link it wants you to sign in via redirection (check the URL) I think and it messes up so many things.
If I log out with IE, I can access that page no problem.

If when on the page not found page, scroll down to the bottom and click on Privacy and Cookies. From there, you can Sign out. Then you will be able to access the page.
Now it works in Google Chrome and I didn't do anything (I didn't even use Corrine's direct link). I'm stumped.

And your link works too Corrine (I tried it after).

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