Weekend Poll: What is Microsoft's best product?


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Hello everyone, and as always the Neowin staff are hoping that you are enjoying your weekend.
Just like every other weekend for the past few months, today we have a poll for you guys.

We want to know, out of the options presented below, what you think has been Microsoft's best product through-out the ages.
Last week we were wrong in predicting that Windows 95 would be the first operating system used by our readers, but this week we reckon that most people will think Windows has been Microsoft's best product.
I would have to vote Win XP.... Just wish it was still updated(DX11) and could use more RAM...
I am not married to any but two stick out in my mind. XP (sp-3) and Win 7. Close, but for many reasons I have to pick Win 7.
Windows 7 and XBOX 360..

XP would have been one of the two if you had asked me this question pre-7...
360 is far from my top.... Great games inferior system...

Such poor cooling, basic hardware re-branded so it can be sold for more...

Last I heard they were releasing a new one with a bunch of improvements sometime in Q4.
Hey... The games are what makes the console... Remember the TurboGrafix 16??? Oh... Maybe not!!! :r1:

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