Suggestions Regarding The Video/Podcast Series!


BSOD Kernel Dump Senior Analyst
Apr 14, 2014
Hello Everyone!

While taking a bath some days ago (Don't think that i took a bath that day only :P ), an idea came to my mind. The idea was about starting a podcast/video series regarding only debugging and all the various kind of stuff we do over at sysnative forums. I am currently an active member at EF and have started being online here as well ^_^ .

This idea came to my mind because when I started this work in debugging (I am still a noob ^_^ ), I barely had any resources to start with. But, then I encountered the resources at sysnative, met usasma and patrick and ultimately joined this great forum as well for being active. Furthermore, there is almost nothing good related to debugging over Youtube as well.

So what do you guys think about this venture? Not only would this help us all share our knowledge at out best but rather increase the site traffic as well?:grin1:

I already discussed this with Patrick and usasma and they both waved a green flag for it. The series would revolve around debugging and troubleshooting along with your usual conversations including some nice jokes as well which we see frequently on sysnative. I guess the only requirement would be good English which I guess almost all of us have.

So what do you guys think about this venture? :rose:

Furthermore, I had a more idea in my mind. I was thinking of creating an IRC server for this website since I have a small vps which is not utilized most of the time so that could be utilized for that? What do you guys think of this as well?
Hello, and welcome to Sysnative!

Thank you very much for making these suggestions! We're always looking for new ideas, and we're always grateful for ways we can improve what we do.

On the point of the video tutorials, why do you think that it's better to have video tutorials rather than written texts? Youtube currently does not have many highly technical resources because for the most part, they're better off in text. To watch an hour long lecture online takes an hour. To skim through the transcript takes a native speaker under 10 minutes (often quicker, although can be much longer if the material is difficult to understand). Additionally, video resources always have the problem that they're difficult to pause and rewind (it's much harder to keep flicking back in video than to re-read the last sentence), they're difficult to reference (where to jump to in order to find the bit you're looking for, you can't work at your own pace, but the pace set by the lecturer, etc. etc.

Personally, I view them as an inferior method of content delivery. I've actually considered them very seriously in the past though - I deliver an online training course in a highly technical discipline. I did carefully consider whether to use a text medium, video myself giving a university style lecture, or a video of myself working through example problems, going over parts of the technology and simply explaining it, etc. etc., but I came to the conclusion that textual resources are the best. I think that they're also quicker and easier to produce.

Personally, I think the same applies to debugging, and we're better off with only textual resources. Youtube currently doesn't have many because it appears that all the other content writers came to the same conclusions, so people won't look there for such content either. Youtube's much closer to a social network than anything else - it's for social content not technical content.

As for the IRC server, I don't think we're yet a big enough forum to need it. We're also a highly technical community, not a social network, and for our current purposes, the visitor message and private message system works quite well enough in my opinion.

I hope this helps.

Hi neimiro,

Thanks for taking the time and writing the reply. I have carefully read your reply and came to the conclusion that you are absolutely right with the technical videos being not posted over Youtube. I guess this is why text books still exist despite of the advancement in the technology.

The idea came to my mind because I like discussions very much and it not only helps increase the level but also teaches the ethics of behavior and all that. I just could not see some place where all the knowledge carrying people could have a discussion. I guess we could do it under THE LOUNGE section right (related to debugging etc)?

See ya over the forums,
I do quite like the idea of a podcast/video for discussions, but any technical teaching is better in a textbook in my opinion. I've watched lectures which are about an hour and a half for a small topic which took about 20 minutes to read and understand.

The thing is with debugging, you can't really directly search for resources about it, you need to read around the subject(s) and then apply it to a problem. There is good reverse engineering and debugging blogs and research papers, its just the difficult task of finding those blogs and those papers.
Hi Bluerobot,

The podcasts which I think would only be discussions and not some serious teaching like moving through the stack and using various commands of the Windbg, but rather discussions like the different kinds of BSOD's, how users should interpret them, current trend in the BSOD's etc. So what do you say about this kind of stuff? Whenever some kind of teaching is required, I say that we could point them to the resources as well.
I think it would be a good idea, but how would you organize it all? I'm hoping to finish my WinDbg cheat sheet with extensions/commands and data structures tomorrow or within the next few days. It's in a .DOC file so I'll upload the file to my OneDrive and then post the URL to the file in the forums, in my blog and on my Twitter feed.
I think it would be a good idea, but how would you organize it all? I'm hoping to finish my WinDbg cheat sheet with extensions/commands and data structures tomorrow or within the next few days. It's in a .DOC file so I'll upload the file to my OneDrive and then post the URL to the file in the forums, in my blog and on my Twitter feed.

I was thinking of doing it over Youtube as that would be the best platform. Later on we can do over other channels as well. I was thinking of organizing this in a way of Episodes with episode number and a title which can be searched through easily on demand and also be able to get to the latest episode quickly. Furthermore, doing this series would enhance my knowledge to a whole new level and we could have some fun as well where we can talk about the regular issues. I am already following you over Twitter so I won't be missing update of your Cheat Sheet.
I was thinking about publishing it onto YouTube, are you going to do the discussions with a group Skype conversation or something?
I was thinking about publishing it onto YouTube, are you going to do the discussions with a group Skype conversation or something?

Yups using Skype or Google Hangouts and using Audacity to record the whole thing. A free and much better solution. The main requirement is of having a decent MIC.

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