Sharing the Love...


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
It is always nice when someone appreciates what you do but it isn't always acknowledged. So, here's to Cookieman (known in the security community as sbj007) for showing Sysnative some love on the "Other Links" page of his site, Thunderbyte. Of course, I personally appreciate his mention of SecurityGarden. :rose:

Thank you, Steve! :hug:

Edit Note: I'm sure that Cookieman isn't the only member of Sysnative with a blog or website. This is your invitation to post a link to your blog/site as a reply and tell us a bit about it.
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Thank you Corrine. I feel honoured to be mentioned! I hope you don't mind but I have also now 'borrowed' your rose and linked your name to your MVP account.

Truly awesome to see folks working together v. the usual & unnecessary rivalry, which I find helps no one!
Oh, didn't know we had a thread like this! I have Sysnative plastered across various parts of my blog.. whether it's posts, the sidebar, reference links, etc.

I have Sysnative listed as a forum under reference links here - BSOD Kernel Dump Analysis: Resources I often use!

Speaking of which I need to do quite the update to that post over the course of the next few days.

: )
Thought I would check back on this page, hope you don't mind Patrick but I have also added your page too on my 'Other Links' page. Nice blog :)

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