Hello, I've come to this site seeking advice having been recommended to do so by a friend. I'm not sure if I have a problem and if I have if its the kind issue dealt with here but I'd appreciate any comments that would assist me. :smile9: There is strong likelihood that without some knowledgeable direction I'll end up deleting essential operating files from my computer!
I have an HP computer which was running Windows 7 but have recently had Windows 10 installed. I have a 930 GB hard disk which is partitioned to 915 GB main drive and 16 GB recovery drive. I have 850 GB free space on my main drive but less than 2 GB on the recovery drive. Booting up is relatively slow but actual use of the computer is not a problem. I was trying to free up space on the recovery drive as I don't think it should be as full as it is, however, I've not actually been able to access the files on the drive and if I did I wouldn't know what I should keep and what I should delete. I'm pretty sure that if I continue trying I'll get access to the recovery files and that's what frightens me and has caused me to post this entry.
If the situation I've described is more a problem in my head than with the computer I'd be grateful to know and if its not some direction as to what to do would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time and consideration. This site has been highly recommended by someone whose opinion I value and as such I value comment from the administrators here.
Best wishes, Autum
I have an HP computer which was running Windows 7 but have recently had Windows 10 installed. I have a 930 GB hard disk which is partitioned to 915 GB main drive and 16 GB recovery drive. I have 850 GB free space on my main drive but less than 2 GB on the recovery drive. Booting up is relatively slow but actual use of the computer is not a problem. I was trying to free up space on the recovery drive as I don't think it should be as full as it is, however, I've not actually been able to access the files on the drive and if I did I wouldn't know what I should keep and what I should delete. I'm pretty sure that if I continue trying I'll get access to the recovery files and that's what frightens me and has caused me to post this entry.
If the situation I've described is more a problem in my head than with the computer I'd be grateful to know and if its not some direction as to what to do would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time and consideration. This site has been highly recommended by someone whose opinion I value and as such I value comment from the administrators here.
Best wishes, Autum