Holy Smokes! Fantastic happenings when moving from Release Preview to RTM!


Retired Admin
Feb 20, 2012
So today I got the dreaded 2 hour shutdowns from the Win8 Release Preview. My procrastination got the best of me (although I do thank Corrine for reminding us of it in a Facebook post - so I wasn't caught totally unaware!).

This morning I started the (I thought) arduous process of moving all my stuff over to the new install.
I copied directories from my old User Profile to my new profile - and found when I booted the new profile that Thunderbird auto-started when I started the RTM copy (it was my default on the RP). I got access errors on AppData and Cookies folders (when copying folders, not when running Thunderbird) - but it copied a whole bunch before it spit out the error.

I tried a bit of research before moving on - as I wanted to be sure that this wasn't a coincidence and that all my emails wouldn't disappear the next time I tried it. Couldn't find anything, and I was having trouble with IE - so I downloaded Firefox and installed it.

When I opened Firefox it calmly advised me that it wanted to restore my previous browsing session!!!
This after a fresh install! The installation saved all my cookies, all my history, even down to remembering the links that I visited when updating the BSOD Index (it's how I track if I've listed an article previously). Everything is the same!

Next up is trying my email aggregator (PopPeeper), WinDbg and the BSOD apps - wish me luck!!!
I may be stuck with keeping the old hard drive in the system - but that's well worth the extra time it's saved me already!!!

Email aggregator (PopPeeper) works out of the box (installer) also. This must be a side effect (?affect?) of storing stuff in the User Profile - but I haven't noticed it previously because of the different method of backing stuff up (usually we just link to a copy of the old Users folder - and don't try to copy the folders into the new Users folder).
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Good luck!!

Let me know if there are any problems with the apps after switching systems. I wouldn't anticipate any, but if you come across anything, even something minor, I'd appreciate the feedback.

Thanks! I've stopped at the last version without setup on my old install and am planning on using the new setup stuff on my new install.
Any suggestions on how I should proceed?

I had a nice suggestion for you (for an additional feature) - but have forgotten it in the rush to get converted over.
I'll think of it again and will suggest it then.
If you have a backup of the SysnativeBSODApps directory from the previous install, it would probably be best to copy that to your user directory prior to running Setup.exe for the latest version. The forumSettings directory is not saved within the apps using the File -> Save As method; that was an oversight on my part that I will fix in the next release.

I'll look forward to any suggestions you have for additional features. :-}
Please note that I edited the first post to show that the email aggregator also works - so making apps somewhat portable (by copying the AppData folder into the current profile) is an option.

I'm going to try installing WinDbg and see if it works.
Then I'll run my old copy of the app from the location in this profile.
If it works, then I'll run the setup version and see what it does.
_v2_6_1_5 of the app doesn't work if it's just dragged over. And it asks for elevation each and every time (gotta check my UAC settings!)
I didn't copy over Richard's DLL, nor did I update it after the last error - and I do recall the MSVCP100.dll being mentioned somewhere when all this was being developed!
Gonna attempt to fix the DLL issues and test - then run the setup program after I get back from my errands around town.

Here's the exception if you're curious (copied from the Command Prompt window):
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer fo
r '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> <CrtImplementationDetails>.ModuleLoadExcep
tionHandlerException: A nested exception occurred after the primary exception th
at caused the C++ module to fail to load.
 ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'MSVCP100.dll': The specif
ied module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
   at std._Init_locks._Init_locks_ctor(_Init_locks* )
   at ?A0xf1a09a47.??__E?A0xf1a09a47@initlocks@@YMXXZ()
   at _initterm_m((fnptr)* pfbegin, (fnptr)* pfend)
   at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.InitializePerAppDomain(Language
Support* )
   at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport._Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
   at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Cleanup(LanguageSupport* , Exce
ption innerException)
   at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
   at .cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Ain't Google grand! I used this search and it took me straight to the topic:
MSVCP100.dll site:www.sysnative.com
Hello John :)

Please install one of these:

(x86) Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from Official Microsoft Download Center
(x64) Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) from Official Microsoft Download Center

...perform all Windows Updates (you may get a few new ones as a result), and let me know if that fixes your problem.

Thank you!


EDIT: The System Requirements don't list Windows 8...?? Is that true, or outdated, I wonder?? Does W8 come with VC++ 2010?? But then why doesn't the app work. I think you should install them. It will only return an error if it is incompatible.
Thanks Richard!

Got v1.5 of your dll's
renamed sysnative.dll to niemiro.dll and placed the x64 and x86 versions in the appropriate place (as I was using niemiro.dll previously)

Installed the x64 and it still crashed
Installed the x86 and the app opened and ran!

Still have issues with UAC asking for elevation.
Checked my settings and it isn't supposed to ask.

Running a test set of dumps
Appears frozen at 61%
Killed it off

CRUD!!! I forgot to update Windows (and I need .NET 4 probably)
Did the updates
Took 600 seconds to run 3 memory dumps.
Took 153 seconds to run the same 3 memory dumps again!
What the ....!
.NET Framework 4 comes pre-installed in Windows 8, Visual C++ 2010 redistributables do not.

Setup.exe requires elevated mode, SysnativeBSODApps.exe does not. If you are being asked for administrative privileges with SysnativeBSODApps.exe, something is not configured correctly on your system. If you are being asked for administrative privileges for Setup.exe, everything is working as it should.

I cannot think of any reason SysnativeBSODApps would try to run elevated... Very strange if that is the case. Did the Windows updates stop the elevated mode for SysnativeBSODApps.exe?

The time disparity running .dmps was likely a result of downloading the symbols the first time. The first time you run .dmps, your symbols are likely going to be missing unless you copied them from a backup on your old install of release preview.
Thanks Mike!

Installed these guys:

Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x86)
Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (x64)

already had 2008 x86
and 2010 both x64 and x86

same 3 dumps taking 156 seconds to run - this is the 3rd time I've run them!

System is still asking to elevate when I run SysnativeBSODApps.exe
No Windows updates were found - and I searched three times!

Gonna try and run the setup.exe BRB
Setup.exe worked
App doesn't ask to elevate unless I select "Run as administrator"
If I don't, it doesn't ask.

Still took 153 seconds to run the 3 memory dumps from before.
Took 156 seconds to run the same 3 again
Glad it is being consistent, but it should not take that long running from the local symbols store.

Would you mind uploading a .zdn file of your settings?

The three .dmps would also be helpful if you can upload those.
I'm thinking that my copying of AppData to the new system has seriously hosed something.
It's not only issues with the app - Firefox is a bit "quirky" also.
Looks like I'm probably going to wipe it and start over with a fresh install (tomorrow)

I've got a pile of .zdn's - which one(s) do you want?
I've attached the dumps


Save a new .zdn file through Change Settings -> File -> Save As.

It may be something in AppData as you suspect, but I don't mind checking settings to make sure it isn't the apps causing the problem.

23.8 seconds to run the 3 .dmps with 6.2.9200.16384 using local symbols.
Crud! Now it wants me to setup again!
I tried running setup in another account.

I'm headed out to dinner now, will do it when we get back!
Thanks Mike!
Here's the .zdn (attached)
Dump run took 163 seconds!

I'm going to bed now (long, long, stressful day!), but will check in the AM.
I plan on starting the reinstall tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks Mike!


Sorry to hear you've had a stressful day. I had a few of those last week with a big deadline at work.

25.35 seconds with your settings, so it would appear to be local to your system. Let me know if you still have problems after the re-install. We can always dig deeper into the logs if needed. :-}
Just to document it.
Fresh install of Win8, fresh (untweaked) install of the app (haven't installed Richard's dll's yet either)
574 seconds first time (had to find kd.exe)
64 seconds the second time.

Then switched from Online Symbols to Local:
13.51 seconds! w00t!

Going out for the day, will check back this evening
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