Hello to all


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Hi, forum

Become a new user on your board, I am confusing some software words "software collaboration".

Did you explain details. i oblige to you

kembriz ford
Welcome to Sysnative Kembriz. :wave:

I don't know exactly what you are asking but I interpret software collaboration to be a bunch of programs(software) working together for a common good...

Many times all of these programs communicate with a mainframe that effectively shares the content between them so that everything is accessible in one place...

I am sure others can give examples and a better explanation... :grin1:
Welcome to Sysnative!

According to Wikipedia,

Collaborative software (also referred to as groupware) is computer software designed to help people involved in a common task achieve goals. One of the earliest definitions of “collaborative software” is, "intentional group processes plus software to support them."

One example I can think of offhand is Twitter apps such as Company Profile - HootSuite Social Media Management
and welcome to the Forum

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