Congratus DreadStarX


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
Good job on passing your A+ Certs 801 Exam, Thomas! :dance: Your studying paid off.
Congratulations. Another one smarter then me ;)

A Guy

If you haven't taken the A+ and have an interest, go do it. It's the 'foot in the door' certification and I see you're an MCC. With that said, regardless what field of expertise you are in that got you that award, you certainly have the computer knowledge to pass the A+ with flying colors. It's very basic computer knowledge. I suppose you can say that the definition of basic depends on your personal knowledge, but I feel it's more than safe to say if you provide assistance (troubleshooting, etc) on forums such as Answers, forums like this, etc, the actual need to study is far less than those who don't. You learn a huge amount from providing assistance on forums regardless of your field of expertise because you learn a bit of everything in all fields.
A+ is just super broad, nothing super technical you just either know it or cram it all in :lol:
Congratulations. Another one smarter then me ;)

A Guy

If you haven't taken the A+ and have an interest, go do it. It's the 'foot in the door' certification and I see you're an MCC. With that said, regardless what field of expertise you are in that got you that award, you certainly have the computer knowledge to pass the A+ with flying colors. It's very basic computer knowledge. I suppose you can say that the definition of basic depends on your personal knowledge, but I feel it's more than safe to say if you provide assistance (troubleshooting, etc) on forums such as Answers, forums like this, etc, the actual need to study is far less than those who don't. You learn a huge amount from providing assistance on forums regardless of your field of expertise because you learn a bit of everything in all fields.

Field of expertise :D I'm just a piker, and try and help when I can. I'm 53, and have a more then full time job/career. Nice of you to encourage me, but free time is a precious commodity ;)

A Guy
Congrats! :dance:

See? All that worrying for nothing. :thumbsup2:
Haha. I'm still worried about it. I took the 802 and failed that section by a few questions. So I'm going to retake it a week before my Christmas break.

Congratulations. Another one smarter then me ;)

A Guy
Wisdom comes with age. You're by far, smarter than I am. I may be young, and achieving things like my 801 A+ Test, but I still have a lot to learn.

Thanks for all the congrats. I'm working hard to get my 802 re-taken, and passed. I received a 658, and needed a 700 to pass it. There was only 73 questions, instead of the 83 I was informed of. So, I had a harder grading scale than I expected. I'm going to kick the snot out of it next time. Took it right after I took a week off from school, which wasn't the best of ideas I've had.

After that, I'm heading towards the CCENT! Which will be rough and rigorous, even more than the A+! Thanks again for all the Congrats! Maybe with this knowledge I can start troubleshooting on the Forums! \o/

- Thomas
education is good, and wonderful for those with the opportunity and foresight to obtain it.

knowledge is much-needed, but wisdom on what to do with it makes it work.
enjoy where you are now, but in our work, there's always something else out there to learn!

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