What kind of AI are you thinking about adding in? Not necessarily their names or anything, but their general behavior in-game.
I was used to AI in LISP, one of the great languages for a real artificial intelligence, i've never tried to create a "brain" in other languages, but for some basic difficulty in enemies and bosses, with games like this, it's nothing quite as difficult as monitoring the player and adapting to the way they play to ensure a suitable difficulty, it's just standardized based on maybe a menu difficulty at the MOST.
I know most Sonic games that I used to play on the old Sega Genesis, all they did was move back and forth, and spawn maybe a few spikes that would arc out on each side every 5-10 seconds or so, then you'd see all your rings fly away lol. Great times those were. I'm not sure, making the guys just follow a simple back and forth path like in the classic game style they always had, or create it to follow your player position, i'll have to think about that.
You brought it to my attention, but creating these game characters is a bugger! Very very time consuming, I'm sure if I was a game developer I could have this done within a month, but since i'm not, it's kind of an on and off hobby, and i'll release it for others to enjoy hopefully when I finish this. But the bigger I make this game, being only 1 developer, that means more debugging for me, so I really want to absolutely nail down this movement, and the collisions, then that allows me to have the setup for the other characters as a template.
So there's some strategy in my madness lol. Movement, game objects, collisions, characters, then adding things like the score and all that is all tied in with the "extras" of the collisions, and various other functions to say whether or not you've beat the level and such or whether you've lost.
This is really only my second game with the XNA libraries, it's fairly new to me, but it's still C#, and that's a language i'm very comfortable with, along with most .NET languages. I did C back around NT 3.5, then decided that I could advance to C++, but for quick development, and for the jobs i'm seeing today, C# takes the cake, unless you're a top shot developer, you won't get too many jobs that use C++, or absolutely require them. It's only for the bigger applications, and I know Adobe is infamous for having C++ developers. As well as most of today's people in Game development industry, but now that we're in the age where Microsoft is making things easy for everyone, and same with Apple, development for a simple game or a stupid iphone, itouch, whatever, app is almost mindless. Yet you can still make a pile of money off of it!
The programming that I do mainly requires C#, Java or C++. But things like this, this is what I really enjoy doing, just putting my brain to something that I have set out to create, and I make it. I'm sure you can relate to programming as a kind of hobby as well (hopefully) as I've heard you're a decent programmer as well. :)
You're done reading my bible of text though, I get carried away too often with forum posts. If you only seen some of the posts i've made on even my own forum you could see it's just habit for me :lol: