BFE & Firewall problems


Aug 6, 2014
Hello, after cleaning from a virus in windows 7 pro, now I have problems with the network card and BFE.
When switched on, sporadically, the network will not connect to the internet (I have a fixed ip on 192168.1.1 router), after a few seconds go by herself in DHCP and connects to the Internet. At this point BFE and FW are disabled and can not turn it neither automatically nor manually (denied).
If I launch the Avira program "BFE-fw-fix.exe" everything returns to normal for a few days and nothing happens. Then suddenly the problem recurs.
My system: W7 pro sp1 updated today. Motherboard ASUS AMD A85M F2 8 G RAM. Corsair SSD 250 gb. My antivirus: Avast pro; i have cleaned with: Malware bytes, ADWcleaner and finally with the Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10. Today all is normal and the antivirus scan said that pc is clean, but the problem is not completely solved.

View attachment Addition.txtView attachment FRST.txtView attachment SALog.txt

Thank you
I"m sorry, froggersit, but we do not support the use of pirated software.

Cracked/warez versions of programs sound "good" and "cheap", but they can cause all sorts of headaches for you and damage to your computer. No reputable forum will support any method of cracking, warez, workarounds, providing any methods, tools, or posting of links designed for this express purpose.

There are people who have spent a great deal of money on developing and testing hardware and software, marketing and distributing it, and then on education and support for it. They have spent long, tedious, difficult and brain-numbing days/nights on their endeavor. They are attempting to make an honest living and feed their families.
Hi Corrine. :smile9:
It could be useful for the user if you say what cracks/warez you saw in its logs: he could uninstall them (even because they could be the source of his problems).
Maybe MS office?
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I bought the pc as it is. Immediately uninstall the crack and insert regular licenses , then you re-contact
KMSEmulator and similar files on the computer are used as a "hack tool" for Microsoft Office.
If you purchased the PC as is and it came with both cracks and malware, you might be very well advised to do a factory restore/clean install to get a fresh slate and nothing unexpected.

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