Error 0x80073701 w/Windows Update & New Roles/Features Add (Win Server 2016)
Good morning[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif],
We are in trouble rigth now. We are getting this message when we try to Add/Remove Roles/Features. We have more tan 100 Servers afected.
I've seen that you helped other mates with this nightmare.
I provide you the information required before opening the thread. Cal you help us?
I attached the results of the tests required.
Thanks in Advance.
Good morning[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif],
We are in trouble rigth now. We are getting this message when we try to Add/Remove Roles/Features. We have more tan 100 Servers afected.
I've seen that you helped other mates with this nightmare.
I provide you the information required before opening the thread. Cal you help us?
I attached the results of the tests required.
Thanks in Advance.