[SOLVED] WordPress Installation script not running?

x BlueRobot

Staff member
May 7, 2013
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone here has some experience with installing WordPress locally. I've managed to get PHP configured for IIS and can confirm that it works. I've also created a new MySQL server instance and WordPress appears to successfully connect to it. However, when I get to the final stage of the WordPress installation by running the install.php script, the tables don't appear to be getting created automatically? So, I decided to directly run the SQL scripts stored in schema.php which has successfully created the required tables in my database, however, now I'm in a loop! When I attempt to run install.php again, it claims that some tables need repairing, it then repairs those said tables successfully, but then brings me back to the same error message about the tables needs repairs?

Any ideas?

Here's the WP installation instructions which I've been following - How to install WordPress | WordPress.org
I need a break from work, so will give this a go when I get home and actually put my server to use again.

What are you running specifically? I think my server is still on IIS 7 or 8.

Also, IIRC you need to tweak the paths a bit to get the scripts to work correctly. Something similar to: Install WordPress on IIS

My 30 second google search also yielded this which may be easier: Installing on Microsoft IIS « WordPress Codex
I do remember trying to run Web Platform installer on my work machine, but I believe it hung for some reason? I'll try it again later today nevertheless
I've managed to get WordPress up and running on my work machine. I did face a MySQL error when using the Web Platform installer, but removing MySQL server and then letting the Web Platform installer install the version it wanted appeared to resolve the issue. It also appears that you need to run the Web Platform installer from within IIS too otherwise it doesn't work.

Thanks for the help!

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