WinPatrol - anyone still using it?


Hardware Expert
Microsoft MVP (Ret.)
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have been paying attention to Scotty for 20 plus years. But as most users know, it is coming up on 6 years since the last update, and for the most part, there has been zero activity with BillP Studios, Ruiware or anyone else associated with the program.

I say "for the most part" because I did just noticed on the WinPatrol control panel > Plus tab, the copyright info was updated to say 2023! So somebody is alive there.

Beyond that, besides alerting me to a few known, expected and safe changes to my system, I cannot recall the last time WinPatrol alerted me to anything malicious or even slightly suspicious.

I want to get rid of it but I feel like it would be like putting my favorite dog down when he still looks at me with those puppy dog eyes.

Is anyone else still using it? If so, if you are being honest, can you really justify still using it - other than saying you paid for it, so you might as well still use it?
I don't think I've used WinPatrol since the Windows 8 days, possibly earlier. I didn't know it was still around to be honest.

A decent app in its day, although I suspect has limited benefits in Win 10/11.

I just checked and the last email I had from them was in 2014, thanking me for being a Plus member
You may recall, Bill, that LandzDown Forum was the official WinPatrol help forum, approved by Bill Pytolvany and, subsequently, by Bret Lowry after he purchased it. Since I had been set up by BillP to help people when they lost their key, I had contacted Bret to let him know that the SSL Cert with GoDaddy for the website expired. I didn't receive a response from him and contacted Alex Eckelberry who knew Bret, after which I finally heard back from Bret. He told me that Hurricane Irma (September 2017) hit them very hard and they are down to a skeleton crew. He essentially disappeared after that.

Bottom line, no, as much as I loved WinPatrol when BillP owned it, I no longer use it. So, yes, Bill, as sad as it is, it is probably time to let Scotty go.
Stopped using it a long, long time ago now.

Useful in its day, but sadly that day is past.
It is on the computer but I have not used it nor have I removed it.
I just checked and the certificate was valid from July 30 2014 to July 31 2015. I don't think I did a lot of updates to it when Riuware took over and ruined a good program.
In my specific case, I built this system almost 7 years ago. I put WP on it then because I have several lifetime licenses I got way back when they had a $.99 promotion for a lifetime license. At that price - especially for a lifetime license, I could not pass them up.

But if I am being honest, the only reason I am still using it is because I already own it and it's already on this computer. And I have not removed it because I have not seen any detrimental effects for having it running. But I figure I will be putting together a new build soon and likely will not install it - or miss it.

You may recall, Bill, that LandzDown Forum was the official WinPatrol help forum
Yep! I do remember that.

Thanks for the replies.
Well, I decided to uninstall WinPatrol and surprise, my computer didn't break! ;)

But I decided to download the latest version just to have an archive version handy, in case I wanted to reinstall it. Wow - my computer sure did not like that. Or specifically, Windows Security Center didn't like it and Malwarebytes didn't either. Both wanted to either remove it, or quarantine it. I assume it is because WP watches and gives the user some control over startup programs. I just expected both would know by now that WP is not malicious, and just automatically let it through.
Perhaps whatever they don't recognize, they automatically warn or quarantine.
Right, but I mean WP has been around for 20 plus years and for a while, was quite popular. Sometimes with things like this, I think it more, "we don't want you in here" than anything else.
I'm looking for the latest version.. I have WinPatrol To Go Version 24.3.2012.0 I have seen up to Version 35 of WinPatrol. I was searching to see if there was another ToGO version that was newer that what I have.
As far as I can tell this still works on my Windows 10 PC. WinPatrolToGo.jpg
I think they're no longer in business. V35.5.2017.8 is last I believe. Dog no longer barks.
If they were in business I would go to their website and get it. They are LONG GONE ! That is why I am asking if anyone has a COPY of the last version made. I found version 30.2.2014.0
I found multiple file sharing sites ( Like File Hippo ) that listed it, but could not download it. ( No longer stored there ). I am specifically looking for the Portable version. "WinPatrolToGO"
Don't you get WinPatrolToGo as part of WinPatrol?

EDIT: Did some further research and found that Ruiware hasn't renewed their business license. I guess Scotty is in doggy heaven.
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No. I downloaded mine on a different page from his website years ago. I had/have a paid version. I think he told me that he gave free upgrades if you paid for one.
"ToGo" was always a separate version.
The regular version of WinPatrol was probably v 35. Bill P developed Win Patrol Togo and since he sold the company because of health issues, it was never developed by the new owner, Bret Lawry - Ruiware.

I found this
Though I can't vouch for downloads from that site as being clean. Note, it does say it is for XP/2K/Vista.
I've come here as I'm just about to reinstall WinPatrol, again. Yep, I'm still using it after 20+ years. I haven't found another app that regulates when apps start on the computer, especially using a Delayed Timer. I stick to Bill's version (the latest I possess is 24.5.2012) as the Ruiware versions don't sort by delayed time accurately. I use it in conjunction with SysInterals AutoRuns.
Those who believe that winpatrol is over are wrong. It's a real skinning knife. It still succeeds today where major brands of tools and utilities fail. (Mawerbytes. ccleaner and so on). An example, take for example a recalcifying program like Microsoft Edge Webview2 runware, windows update on w10 or win11, this program because it is basic and straightforward and without malices overwrites them in the blink of an eye. Just "a simple right click" to see a beast is either excluded from the party or deleted at the next boot. Take all the new tools in that field; they won't do. Thanks Bill p. I have been using this program for over 23 years

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