There is a new "wpsetup.exe" on website. This is still WinPatrol version 29.0.2013. Updating is not needed. The only change is in the install script. The same winpatrol.exe and winpatrolex.exe are installed but the new wpsetup.exe corrects an error creating the start button shortcuts for those two programs. If you didn't notice any problem you probably don't need to run the new install/setup program.
You shouldn't bother re-installing...
1) If you have Windows 8 this change won't affect you because you don't have a Start Button Menu.
2) If you never run WinPatrol Explorer from the Start menu. Most people launch WinPatrol Explorer by double clicking on the system tray icon.
3) If you've already created replacements by right-clicking on Start Menu Programs -> WinPatrol and created a link to the program.
4) The shortcut still exists from previous versions of WinPatrol.
Sorry that I missed this one and appreciate all of you who took the time to report this bug. While my main development desktop runs Windows 7 I use Windows 8 more often.
If you choose to download and run the new wpsetup.exe you shouldn't uninstall your previous version.