RE: Windows Updates WILL NOT instal !!
Dear Richard,
Many thanks for your quick response.
Allow me to explain something before we get down to the "nitty gritty".
Up to about 12 months ago I was reasonably competant, at a very moderate level, at finding my way around my computer and following instructions. At the end of 2012 I suffered a "stroke" and whilst, physically, I was AOK, my memory was very badly affected. Put simply, I, now, cannot hold even the simplest of thoughts in my mind for more than a few seconds. So, trying to sort out something like this becomes extremely difficult to carry out.
So---let me tell you what happened, (or at least, what I think happened !), when I tried your procedure ,(or one very like it), which I found on my own BEFORE your communication.
I went to "Control Panel>Programs and Features", and found the following entries:-
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (33.6 MB)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (258 MB)
Then I looked in "IoBit Uninstaller" and it told me that "3.5 SP1" was installed on 20.7.09 and it's size was 135.28 MB (!) and "4.5.1" was installed on 1.12.13 and it's size is 38.80 MB (!)
---so I am immediately confused !
Anyway, I googled ("66A", I think) and came up with and went to your first link. I downloaded the tool and ran it in respect of "4.5.1". It wasn't cleaned. IT WAS REMOVED !!
I think I then went to another link to download the new, replacement file and was given 6 or 7 choices, depending on my operating system. I downloaded the obvious one followed by several others but none would operate. I kept being told that my choice was unsuitable for my OS.
So, I'd uninstalled "4.5.1" and was unable to replace it. Now 95% of my programs would not run, I would get the followuing error message nearly every time I tried to run something:-
" The proceedure entry point LdrSystemD11InitBlock could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll" ??????
Tried to uninstall and reinstall various programs. This was not allowed.
Finished up running "System Restore" in "Safe Mode" and, thankfully, managed to save the situation, (Big relief !! I was NOT at all confident).
So---- whilst I know I must have gone wrong somewhere, I'm not going to repeat the procedure without being absolutely sure what I'm doing.
When I go to your first link (Cleanup Tool) what "Product to cleanup" do I choose ? ".NET Framework 3.5"(No SP1) and ".NET Framework 4.5.1" are both shown in the drop down list. I HAVE NOT GOT ".NET Framework 4" ! Do I clean up both ? Please confirm that this tool does just "Cleanup" and DOES NOT obliterate the two products mentioned. I do not want to go through all that again.
Further, if "3.5" and "4.5.1" are simply cleaned up, why do I then have to "re(!!!!)instal" ".NET Framework 4" ? Apart from any other consideration this infers that I alredy have v4. Surely if I proceed as advised I will the have three versions, 3.5, 4, and 4.5.1 !
Incidentally, I looked at the "readme.txt file. The address that you show (for the new file) ending "=17851" is NOT in "readme. txt". PLease clarify.
RE your second link I downloaded and ran "dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe". It clearly states that it will "Remove" or "Repair" ".NET Framework 4" (which I haven't got). Nowhere does it say it will reinstal ".NET Framework 4".
As you may surmise, I am very confused and not at all sure about what I'm doing.
Lastly, two queries re your last paragraph. You say "Re-check and install ALL Windows Updates"---we are just talking about ".NET Framework" updates are we ? (I've got well over 250 other updates installed). Why will they need to be reinstalled ? How, exactly do I do this ? Do I just open "Windows Updates and click "Check for updates"? Secondly, what exactly does "--- these 4 will not repeatedly return again" mean ?
I know I've gone on a bit. Please excuse me, but with my little problem I have to get everything down as quickly as possible as I tend to lose the "thread".
If you would be kind enough to, say, list the various steps I must carry out in order and in the very simplest of language it really would be a great help. Sorry to be a pain.
I look forward to hearing from you again at your convenience.