windows update on Windows 8 x64


New member
Nov 15, 2013
We are looking for version 16449 of wuaueng.dll (windows update dll). The MS docs say this version should be in patch KB2770917, but if you install that patch it takes you the latest version of this file and if you install it without network connection, you get version 16433 from Oct 2012. I assume the next released version is 16449 ut I cannot find this file. Anyone have an idea where we could procure this version of wuaueng.dll (7.8.9200.16449 (win8_gdr.121101-1706))?
Hello, and welcome to Sysnative!

I know you are going to hate me for saying this, but I don't want to open myself up for any potential problems in the future, so I've really got to. We have procedures here for the safe replacements of files. These include not only ensuring that we don't put the wrong file on the wrong computer, apply the wrong fix to the wrong user's computer, bungle the fix and leave the computer without the file, etc., but also cover security and infection control. There are multiple layers of security around Windows system files to prevent tampering or modification, and failing to put these all back correctly at the end of the fix can leave the system open to compromise by a single unscrupulous user. If we let it happen repeatedly and on enough systems, feasibly the user could automate the procedure and create a piece of malware from it. We must at all costs avoid this. Consequently, I cannot just provide you the file without also going through safe replacement procedures.

So, can you please provide me with the logfile which generated this result and I'll provide the file. Additionally, if you have already fiddled with the security around any of your Windows files, can you please tell me which as I would be more than happy to reset them for you as part of the same fix.

Thank you for your understanding.


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