Windows Update has defeated me (error code 0x800B0100)

Apr 11, 2013
Hi all,

I've really hit a dead end with this one.

I've actually been able to install a fair few of the updates for a clean Windows 7 install, but there is a small hardcore of updates - including Service Pack 1, which are giving me failure errors:

Code 800B0100
Code 8024200D

The updates I am trying to install which fail with these errors are:

Security Update KB2442962
Security Update KB2619339
Update for Windows 7 KB 2345886
Windows 7 SP 1 KB976932

As per this ( Windows Update error 800B0001 ) Microsoft support article I have run the Windows System Update Readiness Tool. The first time I downloaded the Tool using Windows Update and it found a bunch of errors (over 80) some of which it fixed (see attached logs). I then downloaded the manual version of the tool to run it multiple times. Since then there seem to be a hardcore of 16 errors it cannot fix (again see logs attached). Again, as per the above article I then tried the automatic troubleshooter (windowsupdate.diagcab). This said it found some errors as follows:

Potential Windows Update Database error detected 0x80070002
Windows Update components must be repaired
Security files are not registered

It said all three of these errors were fixed but still the same problem is occuring.

I then ran SFC /scannow as an administrator. This said it had found some problems - some of which it was not able to fix. Again I guess the log is attached below.

Your help would be greatly appreciated,

Many thanks.

PS - I have attached my CBS folder in 2 parts due to the size restriction of the forum.
Re: Windows Update has defeated me

Hello, and welcome to Sysnative :)

WARNING: This fix has been created specifically for this user. If you are not paringofthewaste, do not follow these instructions as you could cause serious harm to your computer.

  1. Please download attached to this post, save it to your Desktop, and open it up.
  2. Open the Manifests folder and copy the files into the following folder:
  3. Open the Packages folder and copy the files into the following folder:
  4. Run the System Update Readiness Tool (SURT) again and when it finishes installing, upload a new copy of CheckSUR.log.

Thank you!



Re: Windows Update has defeated me

Thankyou very much it looks like you fixed it :) I have no idea how but ... wow...thanks!!!

Should I just re-run Windows Update now?


Re: Windows Update has defeated me

Thankyou very much it looks like you fixed it :) I have no idea how but ... wow...thanks!!!

Should I just re-run Windows Update now?

Yep, run Windows Update. :)

Report back if you get any problems, but I doubt that you will. Error code 0x800B0100 is extremely common, and fixing it is fortunately very quick, easy, and painless.

Have a great day!

Sorry I spoke too soon!

This is the problem that just will not die!

The 0x800B0100 error has disappeared but I still get the 8024200D error as per my first post!

I've reattached my CBS folder following the error message.
No problem :)

This sometimes happens, and is rarely a major problem.

This error usually only occurs for updates which have already failed with the (now fixed) previous (here: 0x800B0100) error code. You are very unlikely to be affected by it on future updates.

To fix your current batch of broken updates, you need to download and install them manually.

I am a little bit confused by KB2648048 though. I *think* (but cannot be certain) that you are running Windows Server 2008 R2 x64. But the Security Bulletin has this down as a non-affected OS: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS11-092 - Critical : Vulnerability in Windows Media Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2648048)

Am I wrong in my guess at your OS?

Either way, you need to websearch for each KB number in turn, go to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article for each, and click on the download link for IT Professionals.

Then download the update for your OS, and hopefully they will install this time.

For KB2345886, see here: KB2345886 - Search Results - Microsoft Download Center

If you have any problems sourcing any of these files, please let me know. I have other ways of generating update URLs :p

Also, if any fail to install, please get me another CBS folder, + C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log.

Thank you, and good luck!

I am running Windows 7 Professional.

Just one thing - Service Pack 1 no longer shows up in my Windows Update...

Did the rest all install alright? My suggestion would be to get all of the other updates which were/are causing issues sorted out first, make sure they are all successful, and then I'll take a look at SP1.
Hi again! Just been busy cleaning up some .NET 4 updates. Now SP1 has reappeared (yay!)

I'm downloading it now - fingers crossed - will let you know how ti turns out!

Thankyou so much!

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