Hello Truth :)
First, can you please open an Elevated Command Prompt:
How to start an Elevated Command Prompt in Windows 7 and Vista
and type in:
net start MSIServer
and press enter. Please note down the message you received, if anything but "The Windows Installer service was started successfully.".
Next, type in:
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver %userprofile%\Desktop\RegistryExport1.reg
Then, go to your Desktop, right click on
RegistryExport1.reg, and go through Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
Upload the new
RegistryExport1.zip file from your Desktop to your next post.
Finally, please copy the file (just the file this time, not the whole folder),
C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log, and paste it onto your Desktop. Does this work? If it does, please right click on it also > Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder, and upload the new
CBS.zip file to your next reply also.
Also, those files (CbsPersist_20121214065211.cab, CbsPersist_20121221194820.cab, CbsPersist_20130111053121.cab, CbsPersist_20130111110317.cab, CbsPersist_20130114040644.cab) are fine, and completely normal. I didn't recognise them initially, but now I have seen their names, I can see that they are normal, and nothing to worry about.
Thank you!