I like the Metro visual, but the tileview for it's deceiving appearance of being easier to use, for me on a desktop PC using a mouse and keyboard, I can only see it as wasting valuable time rather than having a nice start menu like they did have before. Really! bugs me... I hope they bring the start menu back.
They went for simplicity, which I like, but overdid it in my opinion, making navigation even harder than before, and probably more time consuming, now that they have things packed into less "places". Less categories for the same # of items just makes things confusing to me. I enjoyed the Task Manager they had in the developer's preview, but that apprarently is gone now in the consumer's preview last time I checked... :confused2:
Not a clue why they removed that, but the explorer view is way too cluttered for me now. It looks like a Microsoft Office layout now for everything, where before it was just a simple view for navigation of the filesystem.