Windows 8 Compatibility Issues - 3 months after GA


Retired Admin
Feb 20, 2012
I've been noticing a couple of things with Win8 compatibility and wanted to note it here for discussion.

I've noticed that we have a lot of problems (at work) with Win8 being installed on older systems. And the issues seem less when using updated BIOS's. Nothing scientific here, but I now update the BIOS on every system that I update to Win8 (I don't do "upgrade" installs - all of mine are "clean" installs). I've probably done 40 or 50 installs since Win8 came out - and the last 5 (edited from 10) or so have all had BIOS updates.

Also, I'm noticing BSOD problems (mostly STOP 0x133) when using an additional audio card. I suspect it's USB/external audio - but haven't seen enough to nail this down. Also, there has to be a video card with audio capabilities (and drivers) involved. What I usually see is outdated drivers for the USB/External card and fully updated drivers for the audio on the video card. I don't recall enough to describe any symptoms because I just started to notice this.
Ditto on Bios, 133's and audio cards (especially Creative). Also seems to be a problem with the nVidia cards and new drivers. I have had to roll back >10.

A lot of the time the users do not run the upgrade assistant and balk at upgrading multiple drivers even when I point them to the DRT.

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