i love the win 8 user interface!1 2
so, log onto an unmodified windows 8 pc, find internet explorer... o, there it is! go to google, enter a search term. r. click a link, open in new tab. and another and another. um, where did the tabs go??
the answer?
r click a blank part to the html and voila'! there are your pages shown as 200x300 rectangles above the page where the original links are.
wow! that's sooooo intuitive!
i thought that "open in a new tab" meant just that - that a new tab would pop open on top of the page.
change is good, luddites!
1 - can you feel the sarcasm?
2 - you can fix win 8 interface by installing "classic shell" which gives you a start button + the desktop at start.