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Okay... Yesterday, I spent a few hours putting together a program to act as a simple interface that launches a program and 3 shell functions.
One of the buttons launches "explorer.exe" (Windows Shell GUI)... I want to add the second function of shutting the program down to that button. I am a complete novice.
I am pretty sure I could kill the program by adding something like...
Would I just add that line in the sub???
Please bear with me... As I said, I am a complete noob...
One of the buttons launches "explorer.exe" (Windows Shell GUI)... I want to add the second function of shutting the program down to that button. I am a complete novice.
Private Sub Wshell_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Wshell.Click
Process.Start(Environ$("SystemRoot") & ":\explorer.exe")
End Sub
I am pretty sure I could kill the program by adding something like...
Shell("Taskkill -pid ShellUI.exe")
Would I just add that line in the sub???
Please bear with me... As I said, I am a complete noob...