Hello again :)
Thanks a lot for that! I've taken a look at your logs, and to be completely honest with you, things aren't good. It looks as though your entire COMPONENTS registry hive is corrupt, which explains why you have:
a) Windows Update issues
b) SFC issues a less than 0%
c) Windows Installer issues
Whether or not this can be fixed I do not know. Sometimes there is a point corruption within the registry hive which I am able to find and fix within the raw binary, recovering 99% of the data, and manually repairing the final 1%. Sometimes the hive is missing a large chunk of data, more than I can manually repair (given that it takes me an average of 20 minutes to repair each key), and there is nothing we can do to fix your issue.
Consequently I need to take your COMPONENTS hive to see what, if anything, we can do. Be prepared for bad news though
So.... please download the Freeware RegBak from here:
Acelogix Software - Download products
Navigate to
C:\Windows\RegBak\{Date}\ and copy the
COMPONENTS file to your Desktop. If the
COMPONENTS file does not exist, please fetch it instead from
right click on it >
Send to >
Compressed (zipped) folder.
Then please upload it to your favourite file sharing website (it will be too big for here). If you have a Microsoft Account, SkyDrive could be a good choice:
https://skydrive.live.com/, but any other will do just fine. Make sure to set the file as publicly accessible.
Then send me a link to the file.
Thank you!