Troubleshooting Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) Installation


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Feb 19, 2012
New Jersey Shore

Troubleshooting a failed installation of Internet Explorer 10 (IE10)

Microsoft kb2820688 -

  1. Make sure that your system meets the minimum operating system requirements
    - Windows 7 SP1
    - Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
  2. Make sure you use the correct installer version
  3. Resolve software issues
    - prerequisite updates -
    - Incompatible video card drivers -
  4. Complete the installation of other [Windows Update] updates
  5. Installing a localized version of Internet Explorer 10 (non-English versions)
  6. Temporarily disable antispyware and antivirus software
    - Be sure to enable Windows Firewall if necessary -
  7. Other issues - see Microsoft TechNet Internet Explorer 10 Deployment Guide

To reinstall Internet Explorer 10

If you try to reinstall Internet Explorer 10 after you recently uninstalled the program, the installation process may not be successful. This issue may occur because the system has not finished removing temporary setup files that are required for the initial installation of the program. If this issue occurs, we recommend that you wait 20 minutes before you try to reinstall Internet Explorer 10.

To uninstall Internet Explorer 10

If you want to uninstall Internet Explorer 10, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Start button, type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane.
  2. In the Unistall an update list, scroll down to the "Microsoft Windows" section.
  3. Right-click Internet Explorer 10, click Uninstall, and then click Yes when you're prompted.
  4. To complete the process and restore the previous version of Internet Explorer, click one of the following links, as appropriate:
    1. Restart now
    2. Restart later

Other issues

If you're experiencing installation issues that can't be resolved by one or more of these troubleshooting methods, see the “Internet Explorer Setup process fails” section of the Internet Explorer Deployment Guide at the following Microsoft TechNet website:Internet Explorer 10 Deployment Guide
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