Sysnative Forum Changes: Recent Activity, Skins, Thanks and Donations


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY

Sysnative is growing quickly and, along with that growth, we continue to make changes that we hope will improve your experience here. A few recent changes are documented below.

Recent Activity
The links in the Recent Activity sidebar now take you to the first of any new posts since you last read the topic. If you have not yet read the topic, or there have been no new posts since your last visit, the link will take you to the top of the thread as usual.​

Forum Skins
We have made a few changes to the forum skin options, in particular removing those that are no longer supported. If you would like to experiment with the look and feel of the forum, the "Quick Style Changer" is available at the bottom of each forum page.


"Thanks" Add-on
Due to a recent change in forum add-ons, the "Thanks" option is now in a new location. It can be found in the lower right-hand corner of each post.​

Along the lines of providing "Thanks", although the help you receive at is free, the cost of running the site is not. The add-on we were using previously for donations was limiting. It has been replaced with a customized solution.

If you would like to help support this site, click the Donate button in the forum navigation bar and follow the link. A PayPal account is not required to make a donation as most major credit cards are accepted via that system.

Please Donate whatever you can - any amount is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting
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