Emeritus, Contributor
So I got bored and was fooling around with arrays and whatnot in Visual Studio and figured i'd make a game :) Time to have some programming content in this forum. I'll also be writing some batch stuff as well, and even C++, perl, and powershell. Possibly a bit of VBscript as well, as these are all languages that I know, but my favorites are definitely C++, batch and powershell.
There's lots of good content in here for people just learning out, so i'm releasing the source with this as well for anybody that wants to take a look and learn from it. This source is packed with lots of good code that can help a beginner out. Arrays, lists, basic LINQ, and classes.
Have fun playing and learning from the source
EventHandles.vb (Module):
Download from attachment Requires .NET Framework 3.5 minimum.
*Edit: Fixed source bug.
There's lots of good content in here for people just learning out, so i'm releasing the source with this as well for anybody that wants to take a look and learn from it. This source is packed with lots of good code that can help a beginner out. Arrays, lists, basic LINQ, and classes.
Have fun playing and learning from the source
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Clicks(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click, _
Button4.Click, Button5.Click, Button6.Click, _
Button7.Click, Button8.Click, Button9.Click
Dim Btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Btn.Text) Then Exit Sub
Btn.Text = Label1.Text.ElementAt(13)
Dim CurrentMove As New PlayerMove With {.XO_Player = Label1.Text.ElementAt(13), .ClickNum = Btn.Tag.ToString}
XO.PMove = CurrentMove
Select Case Label1.Text.ElementAt(13)
Case "X"c
Label1.Text = "Player Turn: O"
Case "O"c
Label1.Text = "Player Turn: X"
End Select
End Sub
End Class
EventHandles.vb (Module):
Option Strict On
Module EventHandles
Public X_Plays As List(Of String)
Public O_Plays As List(Of String)
Public WithEvents XO As New NumValCheck
Private Sub NumberValInput(ByVal ButtonNum As String, PlayerXO As Char) Handles XO.CheckPlay
Select Case PlayerXO
Case "X"c
Case "O"c
End Select
'we know a player can't win without having made 3 plays yet
If X_Plays.Count >= 3 OrElse O_Plays.Count >= 3 Then CheckForWinner()
End Sub
Private Sub CheckForWinner()
'If not winner don't do anything, if there's a winner, then reset the List's
'display winner
Dim Lists As List(Of String)() = {X_Plays, O_Plays}
For plist As Integer = 0 To 1
With Lists(plist)
Dim pl As String
If plist = 0 Then pl = "X" Else pl = "O"
If (.Contains("02") And .Contains("11") And .Contains("20")) Or _
(.Contains("00") And .Contains("11") And .Contains("22")) Then FoundWinner(pl)
For c As Integer = 0 To 2
Dim c_val As String = CStr(c)
If (Array.FindAll(.ToArray, Function(i) i.ToString.StartsWith(c_val)).Count = 3) Or _
(Array.FindAll(.ToArray, Function(i) i.ToString.EndsWith(c_val)).Count = 3) Then FoundWinner(pl)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub RollTheDice()
Dim x As New Random(32)
Select Case CInt(x.Next(New Random().Next())) Mod 2
Case 0
Form1.Label1.Text = "Player Turn: X"
Case Else
Form1.Label1.Text = "Player Turn: O"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub FoundWinner(Winner As String)
Select Case Winner
Case "X"
MessageBox.Show("Player [X] has won this game!")
Case "O"
MessageBox.Show("Player [O] has won this game!")
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub ReloadGame()
X_Plays = New List(Of String)(9)
O_Plays = New List(Of String)(9)
For Each Ctrl As Control In Form1.Controls
If TryCast(Ctrl, Button) IsNot Nothing Then
Ctrl.Text = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
End Module
Public Class PlayerMove
Public Property XO_Player As Char
Public Property ClickNum As String
End Class
Public Class NumValCheck
Private CheckPlayVal As PlayerMove
Public Event CheckPlay(ByVal num As String, ByVal player As Char)
Public Property PMove() As PlayerMove
PMove = CheckPlayVal
End Get
Set(ByVal value As PlayerMove)
CheckPlayVal = value
RaiseEvent CheckPlay(value.ClickNum, value.XO_Player)
End Set
End Property
End Class
Download from attachment Requires .NET Framework 3.5 minimum.
*Edit: Fixed source bug.
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