Does sidebar.php need to be called from multiple levels?
Yes, I can have all my files in the same folder, but that's definitely not what I want as the folder I need to call the sidebar from (aside from root), will have an expanding number of php pages. Within a few years, I could have 50 php files all in root if I didn't call it from different levels to keep things organized.
All my includes are in an includes folder, the thing is, I can't call it like this:
This would only work if I was in the root, if I was in a subfolder of root, this path, relative to that location would not exist. (And that's my problem here...)
I need to be able to figure out how to determine what the relative path is, according to where I include from... As I can't have multiple locations referenced for the include. I could recreate include folders everywhere to adapt to where I include from, but that's not what I would like either...
Something like that may just be what i have to do unfortunately... It's still a pain in the a$$ though because the folder structure from root on my localhost, is nowhere near what it would be like when I upload to the website. localhost it would be something like /dev/aceinfinity... ... And maybe on my website (I haven't seen), but it would be /public_html/... or something similar. Just to develop on my localhost and see what it looks like, it still takes work and changes just to see what it would look like on the site.
I guess the only thing to do is to re-create what the web directories look like, from my localhost so that I don't have to modify and fool around with stuff like that. Thinking about it, I think it's just the way I went about it with the way I have things set up on my localhost that is making things difficult for me.
Problem solved though I think for now... Thankyou :)
edit: I think I'm just going to have to see what my root is on the website, by echo'ing $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], and then I'll re-create that structure from the root of my localhost folder.