Page Modification For Directly Uploading _95-Debug.txt files to DRT


BSOD Kernel Dump Senior Analyst
Apr 14, 2014
Hi People,

I have been using this DRT and the BSOD processing app now for like 2-3 months atleast (Since, I started Debugging). I submit my findings of the unknown drivers to the DRT everytime when I am free but the problem that I have been facing that whenever the _95-Debug.txt consists of even 2-3 entries, the task becomes a time killer. At times I even get those 95-Debug files which are having 5-6 drivers even which becomes extremely boring and hard to submit using the Driver Submission Page which can be found here :-

Driver Reference Table - Add A Driver

Now, what I had in my mind that we could develop this simple PHP page on which the user uploads the _95-Debug.txt files, the PHP script breaks the information in the file present automatically and adds it to the reviewing table of the reviewers of the DRT. This can be achieved by modifying the HTML page a bit and add a dialog box to upload the "_95-Debug.txt" ONLY file from the user. Once the file has been uploaded, data can be extracted line by line using PHP's inbuilt function of fgets() and looping this till the end of file is reached. Each line which is read by the fgets() function should be exploded twice using the '{' & '{{' as the exploding tags to separate the elements and these 3 elements are then added to the reviewers table. This should not take even 10 minutes of one experienced coder which I believe are present here. So, even a task which would take around 5-6 minutes is performed in around 10 seconds. This would only enhance the ability to do more analysis in the given time using this.

One more thing that could ease the submissions and speed them fast is that populate a text file and upload it directly without any breaking for the reviewing purposes. Although, a proper format must be used for that. Files, once uploaded can be deleted or even a cron job could be setup to delete the uploaded files say after 10 days?

Now, let me tell you that I am not telling to replace the current Driver submission page but simply adding this one more dialog box for directly uploading the file and the rest of the page will be the same in case one wants to add only a single driver or he has searched for the information as well regarding the timestamp, driver update site etc. This would surely add convenience to the people who use the SysnativeBSOD App which I guess many including me are using.
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There is already a working _95-debug file importer, but it is only for use by Carrona and Jcgriff. It imports the drivers into a temporary area where they can be checked and modified.

We have had many discussions of a public _95.txt importer, but we've always reached the same conclusion - it's too much work to maintain. Think about it - the _95 file often has many drivers, and depending on the amount of analysis you do, that could be over 50 drivers a month.

Since the _95 file only contains the name of the driver and nothing much else, Carrona or Jcgriff would still have to research the driver, find the update URL and push it to the full DRT. That's for each individual driver.

There used to be a thread to submit _95 files, but it got closed for the same reason. It was just too much work to maintain, and keep the quality high.

The potential for spam submissions is also a possibility.

I will let the John's explain further.

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the reply. I already know that the reviewers are giving 200% of them for the driver submissions. There are possible spam submissions as well. But, what we could further do to reduce the work and also having the importer is that at-least the first single line should be the one from the BSODProcessing App and the script checks for this before saving or rejecting the uploaded files. In this way, we should be able to counter the spam as well. We can add the relevant information as requested by the reviewers which I read from thread about the proper information, that can be added at the bottom of the file. Not only this would help the reviewers but the driver submitters as well.
A great idea, but as Stephen said, the 95 file is uploaded by me & John Carrona. In fact, that is the sole purpose of the 95 file.

Maybe someday, 95 file uploads by others will be possible.
Hi jcgriff,

I will keep on thinking in some other way then so that the uploading of the 95 files become a Win Win situation for both the parties while minimizing the risk of spam entries as well.

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