newbie here!


Feb 8, 2014
I found Sysnative Forums while Googling possible solutions for the CBS.Log issue, and it appears that I have found the right forum. Apparently, the experts here have helped others in resolving this vexing problem and other problems. So, I know that someone here can help me too. Everyday I learn something new about computers and the issues that crop up seemingly on a daily basis, but I still have so much to learn. People say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and at 67 I am definitely an old something! However, I would like to think that I am not too old to continue learning and benefiting from the expertise of those who are much more knowledgeable than I am.

Having said all this, I still need help with the corrupt files that Windows 7 was unable to repair in the course of the system scan. Although I subscribe to a tech support service, it was of no use to me in resolving the issue I have encountered. I was told to use my Windows 7 Ultimate disk to repair the corrupt files. Unfortunately, to do that I would have to perform a clean install rather than using the upgrade feature, because my disk does not have Service Pack 1 on it, and I cannot uninstall Service Pack 1.
Welcome to Sysnative, redlinetex. You'll be in excellent hands in the Windows Update forum.
Welcome to Sysnative, our resident Windows Update experts are some of the brightest around. As Corrine said, you are in excellent hands.


Hi and welcome to Sysnative - glad to see you here.


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