MSDN and TechNet Forums to be Replaced with Microsoft Q&A


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
From Microsoft Q&A website announced; To replace MSDN and TechNet:
Microsoft has announced that they are releasing a new Q&A website. It is a mixture of MSDN and TechNet forums. This means that Microsoft is planning to discontinue MSDN and TechNet forums. It is a part of the larger Microsoft Docs umbrella where Microsoft is planning to bring on all the documentation, code snippets, and Q&A together.

The migration is expected to be completed by the mid of 2020.

Microsoft Q&A - Frequently Asked Questions - Microsoft Q&A (Preview)
Technical documentation, API, and code examples | Microsoft Docs
I saw that and the first thing I thought of was whether or not things would really change. That is, would it still be a mismanaged zoo, or would it be a great, friendly place to learn and share. I fear it will remain the former.

Hurry and wait, I guess. Fortunately, I know how to do that.

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