Malwarebytes Version 5 Updates


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
From Announcing Malwarebytes 5.0

What’s new
  • Unified user experience - For the first time, Malwarebytes now provides a consistent experience across all of our desktop and mobile products courtesy of an all new and reimagined user experience powered by a faster and more responsive UI all managed through an intuitive dashboard.
  • Modern security and privacy integrations - Our award winning antivirus and ultra-fast VPN come together seamlessly in one easy-to-use solution. Whether you’re looking for a next-gen VPN to secure your online activity, or harnessing the power of Browser Guard to block ad trackers and scam sites, taking charge of your privacy is simple.
  • Trusted Advisor - Empowers you with real-time insights, easy-to-read protection score and expert guidance that puts you in control over your security and privacy.
To get started with the latest version of Malwarebytes, click here for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android
Hmmm, "Check for updates" within the program does not pick up on this new V5.

This thread suggests the update will be rolled out. That makes sense but I feel they should have said that in the announcement.
Yeah, I know you can get the installer by hitting up the site. The Windows link Corrine included will get you there.

My point was, IMO if you tell MB (or any program) to check for updates, it should give it to you rather than tell you, and make users believe, they are "up to date".

I understand the point for rolling out the update. You don't every MB Premium user around the world banging on the update servers at the same point in time. And rolling out gives the developers a opportunity to catch bugs early before it gets to everyone. But we are not talking about a billion+ systems trying to download the update at once - as could happen with Windows, for example, if they didn't use the roll out scheme.

So again, if I manually tell it to check for updates, I want the program to tell me the new version is there, then give me the option to download and install.

At this time Malwarebytes 5 is available to all directly from our download site.
  • Currently we are doing a slow rollout of Malwarebytes 5 via automatic updates as we are working on improving support for some non-standard licensing use cases before rolling out to a wider audience.
  • Please note that if the Malwarebytes Privacy VPN app is currently installed, the Malwarebytes 5 installer will only install Malwarebytes 4.
  • If you are using both Malwarebytes 4 and Malwarebytes Privacy VPN, and your products are activated with two different subscriptions or license keys, we recommend that you do not install Malwarebytes 5 at this time.
Source: Malwarebytes 5
Malwarebytes component package 1.0.1169 was released.

From Malwarebytes 5.1:

Features and improvements
  • Localization updates
  • Minor UI improvements

Issues fixed
  • Incorrect/missing translations
  • Display mode defaults to Light instead of Follow Windows settings
  • Add device option is non-responsive when no seats are available
Malwarebytes v5.1.1.106 component package 1.0.1196 was released.

From Malwarebytes 5.1:

Features and improvements
  • Added VPN status on hover over tray icon
  • Improved tray menu shortcuts for licensed users
  • Localization updates
  • Improved experience for queued notifications
Issues fixed
  • Automatic unquarantine option defaults to off
I find it interesting that the Premium editions I have running full time on this PC and my laptop have yet to be offered V5 and now, almost a month after the release of V5, V5.1x is out there. Even when I tell it to check for updates, it still does not find V5.x and I'm still stuck with V4.6.11.

I am not worried since I am still getting regular signature/definition updates. But I still find it curious (if not a bit alarming) that this roll out is taking so long. It makes me wonder just how many bugs are being discovered they need to stomp out before pushing V5.x out to everyone.
I did receive the automatic update to version 5. As you know, if you don't want to wait for the update to v5, you can get it from the download site.
Yeah, I can manually get it. But sometimes I like to do things the way the vast majority of "normal" computer users do things so I can see and experience for myself what they are experiencing. I think that helps me be a better help provider for my clients, friends and family (and newbie forum posters) who are not "in the know", and have no desire to be. And frankly, they shouldn't have to actively work to stay aware of upcoming events.

For example, odds are the vast majority of Malwarebytes users who have yet to receive V5 are not even aware there is a V5. So they wouldn't know they can manually go out and get it. IIRC, Malwarebytes hasn't even pushed out notice V5 is coming. Just looking at my newsletters and emails from a month ago, the only notice I got was from you Corrine, via an email notification from Sysnative of you starting this thread. Not sure how you learned of it, but it seems it was from a post on their forum.

Even the Malwarebytes Premium page doesn't mention V5. And if you scroll down near the bottom, under Tech Specs to "Version" and click on the history link, it still does not mention V5. :(

Now I have V5 on my other PC and it seems to be working fine - for me. But I just don't get a warm fuzzy this version and this roll out is going very well for the masses. And for a security program, especially one I frequently recommend to others, that gives me concern.

Maybe the lack of great fanfare is good. I would hate to see something similar to Microsoft's fiasco when the execs and marketing weenies shoved out the clearly unfinished, bug-riddled first version of Edge (against the wishes of the developers!!) - a product that was so bad, it had to be completely abandoned and totally rewritten from the ground up (this time, in partnership with Google no less). Not sure Malwarebytes could survive something like that.
All my computers (4) are still running v4. None have been offered v5. I can wait. As far as v 4 updates, we are now at 4.6.11, the desktop computers which are wired get the update. The laptops which are wifi, never receive the updates, even though the settings are the same as the desktop computers. I always have to manually update the laptops. My laptop does its weekly scan on a Friday. One of the first things it is supposed to do is check for updates. The scan finished a few minutes ago and yet, it still showed v 4.6.10 so I manually had to go into settings, check for updates then it downloaded the newest v4 version.
Malwarebytes v5.1.2.109 component package 1.0.1207 was released.

From Malwarebytes 5.1:

Features and improvements
  • Improved error handling
  • Localization improvements
  • Slovenia flag added to VPN server selection
  • Minor revisions to license state displayed in dashboard header
  • Notification improvements for trial users
Issues fixed
  • Upgrade to Premium promotional message displays in scan summary for licensed users
  • Select all option fails on scan results page when scan results contain only one detection
  • Allow list not recognizing subscription activation
  • Tray menu options not recognizing subscription activation
Malwarebytes v5.1.3.110 component package 1.0.1219 was released.

From Malwarebytes 5.1:

Features and improvements
  • Added My subscription control to Tamper Protection
  • Removed viewing protection status for other devices (Malwarebytes for Teams only) - this is a temporary change, feature will be restored in future release

Issues fixed
  • Unable to pause VPN connection
  • Restore default settings doesn't restore notification timeout setting
Wow. I still have not been offered V5 for any of my 3 computers running the Premium version.
Don't feel bad. Our 4 computers are still running v 4. The two wired desktops auto update, version 4. The two wireless notebooks, I always have to manually update even though the settings on all 4 are the same.
I looked a few months back and v 4 will be supported through July so at some point, I expect we will be offered v 5.
Oh, I definitely don't feel bad. If anything, I'm a little amused and somewhat relieved. Don't get me wrong. I still like Malwarebytes very much and frequently recommend it to others. I have no intention to stop using it or recommending it either - assuming my "legacy lifetime licenses" remain valid, at least for what's left of my lifetime.

In the grand scheme of things, it likely is good it is taking so long ASSUMING the delays are due to minor issues and they really are taking this time to seek out and fix the bugs before v4 support ends.

Rushing something out the door unfinished and buggy would certainly bring unhappy customers and bad PR down on them.

I looked a few months back and v 4 will be supported through July so at some point, I expect we will be offered v 5.
Hmmm, I thought I saw that before too, but now cannot.

The v4 Product Lifecycle page showing the latest component package version (1.0.2319) as having no end dates for Sale, Maintenance or End of Life. ???

I have to admit, I am not getting a warm fuzzy that things are going well over there. On their forum under Malwarebytes News, the one and only post announcing v5 is dated Feb 21. There is little more than that in the Malwarebytes For Windows Support Forum either.

A Malwarebytes 5 FAQs thread would be nice, but don't see one of those either. :(
Wow. I still have not been offered V5 for any of my 3 computers running the Premium version.

Same here. I am running v. 4.6.13. As I noticed, version 5 is much different than 4, and I already changed my canned speeches for users using the latest version.
On their forum under Malwarebytes News, the one and only post announcing v5 is dated Feb 21. There is little more than that in the Malwarebytes For Windows Support Forum either.

A Malwarebytes 5 FAQs thread would be nice, but don't see one of those either.

Try this for an extended discussion of 5 and responses from staff about it:
Malwarebytes 5
Thanks. I had already seen that (I lurk around over there frequently).

The only thing I noted in that thread that is somewhat related to this discussion here was where Porthos said,
That explains how you were upgraded with the slow rollout. I have not seen personally, any of the systems with the old style keys upgraded with the check for updates button.

I have the old style keys but not really the point (or main point anyway) of my comments in this thread here. He is (I think) talking about the user with the old style lifetime license keys "manually" checking for updates and not being offered v5. That does apply to me and my systems here (though I don't understand how that explains anything in relation to the slow rollout). ???

However, my point is, I like to keep my main systems configured with default settings because that is how most of my clients (and friends and family) who call on me for technical help configure their machines. This allows me to see (more or less - hopefully) how their systems behave when something happens and they call me up asking for help (at least that's the idea behind my methods).

So, I have the Malwarebytes Premium setting "Automatically download and install updates" set to the default setting; "On" or "Enabled".

Yet, I have yet to be offered v5 a full 2 months after the "official release" to the general public the finalized (GA or general availability) version of v5. This is also 2 full months since the rollout began. Yet even when I manually tell it to check for updates, not only am I not offered v5, I am told "Malwarebytes is up to date". :( That, to me, seems like a very long, perhaps even an excessive amount of time.

I'm a hardware guy but I worked 10 years for a major defense contractor/software development company. I was 1 of 10 techs supporting 400 developers. One of my "other hats" was as an alpha and beta tester. I have also done beta testing for Microsoft and a couple other smaller companies. And I still beta test for Firetrust. If Malwarebytes v5 was still in beta, these delays would make sense. But again, v5 was officially released to the public 2 months ago.

Now I am not running around the Internet lambasting Malwarebytes about this. This thread here at Sysnative is the only place I have mentioned this. And as long as v4 continues to receive regular updates and most importantly, continues to do its job, I have no intention of discussing this issue elsewhere. I am just saying to me, these delays are getting "curiouser and curiouser".

I refer you back to my post #8 above. Here it is another month later and nothing has changed, except, perhaps an increased sense of curiosity about these delays.
Malwarebytes v5.1.4.112 component package 1.0.1233 was released.

From Malwarebytes 5:

You can get the update right away by clicking "Check for updates" in Settings > General. Or, it will be automatically installed if you have automatic updates enabled.

Features and improvements
  • VPN status indicator added to tray icon
  • Improved support for high DPI and low display resolutions
  • Improvements for notification display logic
Issues fixed
  • Tamper Protection bugs
  • Crash when exiting Scan Scheduler page
  • UI not restarting after updates

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