Editors Note: in most cases a large HOSTS file (over 135 kb) tends to slow down the machine.
To resolve this issue (manually) open the "Services Editor"
Start | Run (type) "services.msc" (no quotes)
Scroll down to "DNS Client", Right-click and select: Properties - click Stop
Click the drop-down arrow for "Startup type"
Select: Manual (recommended) or Disabled click Apply/Ok and restart. [more info]
When set to Manual you can see that the above "Service" is not needed (after a little browsing - when set to Manual) by opening the Services Editor again, scroll down to DNS Client and check the "Status" column. It should be blank, if it was needed it would show "Started" in that column. There are several Utilities that can reset the DNS Client for you ... [more info]
Editors Note: The above instructions are intended for a single (home-user) PC. If your machine is part of a "Domain", check with your IT Dept. before applying this work-around. This especially applies to Laptop users who travel or bring their work machines home. Make sure to reset the Service (if needed) prior to connecting (reboot required) to your work Domain ...
Important! If you are using Network Discovery then the DNS Client service is required and should not be set to either Manual or Disabled.
Possible Workaround for using the MVPS HOSTS file and leaving the DNS Client service enabled (set to: Automatic)
If you find after a period of time that your browser seems sluggish with the DNS Client service enabled you can manually flush the DNS cache
Close all browser windows ... open a "Command Prompt" from the Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
(type) ipconfig /flushdns (press Enter) Then close the Command Prompt ...
A better Win7/Vista/XP workaround would be to add two Registry entries to control the amount of time the DNS cache is saved. (KB318803)
Flush the existing DNS cache (see above)
Start > Run (type) regedit
Navigate to the following location:
Click Edit > New > DWORD Value (type) MaxCacheTtl
Click Edit > New > DWORD Value (type) MaxNegativeCacheTtl
Next right-click on the MaxCacheTtl entry (right pane) and select: Modify and change the value to 1
The MaxNegativeCacheTtl entry should already have a value of 0 (leave it that way - see screenshot)
Close Regedit and reboot ...
As usual you should always backup your Registry before editing ... see Regedit Help under "Exporting Registry files"