Lenovo Laptop/Ultrabook FAILURE TO INSTALL updates and/or Pro Pack


Windows Specialist
May 31, 2012
If with a LENOVO laptop/ultrabook you encounter:
FAILURE TO INSTALL when installing Win 8 Updates or the WIN 8 PRO PACK, then:

checkmark Hide all Microsoft services |
Uncheck ALL remaining services EXCEPT for those from INTEL | OK |
WIN + D | ALT-F4 | select RESTART

WIN + X | Control Panel | Windows Update |

Check for updates item in left-side list | go ahead and install the updates

After rebooting, repeat the check for updates!
Ignore any message that says that you are up-to-date.
Keep checking and installing until you finally come up dry.

Now the install the failed PRO PACK install:
click on the text to install additional features.
Be patient during the resulting install and restart.

This worked for me when all else failed.

Oh yes, I've left all of the non-microsoft and non-intel services unchecked.
That's just personal preference.
Remove Nitro Pro PDF from the system.
It's a known problem also.

Failure configuring Windows Updates - Windows 8 - Lenovo Community

I do not have the PRO version.
I do have Nitro PDF Reader.

I have had zero problems.
I am very satisfied and use Nitro daily (both with Win 7 and Win 8).

What I have noticed is that the combo of Samsung.com and Firefox, then I have trouble downloading pdfs.
Not at other sites and not with other browsers.
I Have no problems with other sites OR with other browsers.
I can save, download, display from any other site with no problems.
Only Samsung.com seems to be perculiar.

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