jcgriff2 OP BSOD Processing App output -- used at other sites. . .?


Co-Founder / Admin
BSOD Instructor/Expert
Microsoft MVP (Ret.)
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
New Jersey Shore
If you happen to come upon a thread containing the output of the jcgriff2 OP BSOD Processing App output (besides Sysnative & TSF), please list it here.

It is the output from: Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions - Windows 8, 7 & Vista

There are the 2 usual output folder names:
  1. Windows7_Vista_jcgriff2
  2. Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2

I found one at McAfee - https://community.mcafee.com/message/213224

Just curious... and would like to offer the app to any forum that wishes to use it.


Hi John,

As I have mentioned to you in a message, and due to your approval, it's being used at Overclock.net. I also use it on Answers sometimes. That's really it for me so far :)


Used extensively on Answers & Technet. We send them here and they post the output there. We have links to the app, DRT, and Security in our bonus links(profile page) and in the canned speeches.

Did you want just where it is used or specific examples?
Just curious where - forums.

I only linked to McAfee because I had not seen it there before.

As you know, 2 forums removed it. :r1:
Hmmmm... I'll have to get back to you on that one.

You know how us feeble minded folks with lines through our names get. :lolg:

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