first thing you need to do is download the vpn client software - now it's a 30-day free trial - u prolly have to pay later. vpn client software download FVS318v3
and install it on each and every computer at the house.
the software must be configured with the exact same settings as the netgear box at the office or it won't work.
at the house, you must
first establish an internet connection (duh! but you'd be surprised how many don't get that)
then launch your
netgear vpn client (software) and provide your username / password (that you configured on the netgear at-work box)
some thoughts -
if your have signed the united states won't export paper, use triple des (3des) encryption instead of des.
you can certainly use des, or aes-256. after all, what's the chance of anyone trying to hack u and your work anyway?
your hash should be sha1, it is better than md5
your pre-share key should be 8 or more non-word characters, to include upper and lower case, nrs, symbols.
and did i say everything has to match at both ends of the tunnel won't stand up.
to test, ping from a device at one end of the tunnel to a device at the other end of the tunnel.
this creates "interesting traffic" which tells the tunnel to form.
if you have a command for your netgear device like "show crypto isakmp sa" (security associations) then you can see if your tunnel is up.
but you already know it is up if you got a response from the ping.
sorry i don't know crap about netgear's vpn stuff, but that's some good dope on vpns in general. read the manual (pdf) posted above for details.