No Prob
Nice Avatar, I've been LaX goalie in the first swiss league for two years, but had to quit for the studies.
I like it a lot, i mean by heart, i'm a techie and always will be, but innovation and it management is very interssting as well. Here in Switzerland it's also a very good working environment, where you need skills and not only a nice suit :) Beside that, I absolutely suck, when it comes to programming, that also why i choose BIS and not CS. I always tell myself, it's the best of both worlds
I'm working as a freelancer in the datacenter environment, as stated, mostly VMware Stuff, Networking, Storage, Backup, Security. And I'm building up two other projects, but they're only semi-related with IT. I do know the newer systems, like Win2k12 and so, but not as in-depth as the older ones. You can't learn everything (or maybe it's just me, who can't) but i decided to go into VMware and Storage instead Windows. I also use W7 on my Laptop, but W8 I hadn't rarely touched yet.
Sticks up!