No, don't bother. I can tell from the AdwCleaner log that there was more than the one BHO. However, please make sure that your browser start page is back to normal.
1. We can take care of MBAM's complaint about the AdwCleaner quarantine by uninstalling AdwCleaner:
Double-click on
AdwCleaner.exe to run the tool again.
- Click on the Uninstall button.
- Click Yes when asked are you sure you want to uninstall.
- Both AdwCleaner.exe, its folder and all logs will be removed.
2. You may have noted an indication in the Security Check log that Adobe Flash Player is out of date. However, you do have the latest update installed. The developer apparently hasn't had a chance to update the tool. Since Adobe had an out-of-band update, there may not be another Flash Player update tomorrow. We'll see.
3. Please delete both SecurityCheck and JRT from your desktop.
4. Before sending you back to your original thread, let's clean up temp files. I've provided extra information about TRC since it is a handy tool that you may want to keep around.
Download TFC by Old Timer from here (direct download):
- First, save any files you have open as TFC will close ALL open programs including your browser!
- Double-click on TFC.exe to run it. If you are using Vista/Windows 7 right-click on the file and choose Run As Administrator.
- Click the Start button to begin the cleaning process and let it run uninterrupted to completion.
- Important! If TFC prompts you to reboot, please do so immediately. If not prompted, manually reboot the machine anyway to ensure a complete clean.
More info:
TFC (Temp File Cleaner) will clear out all temp folders for all user accounts (temp, IE temp, java, FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari), including Administrator, All Users, LocalService, NetworkService, and any other accounts in the user folder. It also cleans out the %systemroot%\temp folder and checks for .tmp files in the %systemdrive% root folder, %systemroot%, and the system32 folder (both 32bit and 64bit on 64bit OSs). It shows the amount removed for each location found (in bytes) and the total removed (in MB).
Before running, it will stop Explorer and all other running applications. When finished, if a reboot is required the user must reboot to finish clearing any in-use temp files.
-- TFC only cleans temp folders.
-- TFC will not clean URL history, prefetch, or cookies. Depending on how often someone cleans their temp folders, their system hardware, and how many accounts are present, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more. TFC will completely clear all temp files where other temp file cleaners may fail.
TFC requires a reboot immediately after running. Be sure to save any unsaved work before running TFC.
5. Please refer to the Safe Computing Practices and other recommendations in this updated copy of
"So how did I get infected in the first place?".
6. Satrow is hoping for burrito leftovers. We'll see if he wants you to re-run driver verifier or try something else. Please wait for his instructions.