Facebook forces all users over to @facebook.com e-mail addresses


Contributor, Sysnative Staff Emeritus
Mar 27, 2012
Its probably a good idea to have the instructions for fixing this here.

  • Go to your timeline page
  • Click the "Update Info" button
  • Go to the "Contact Info" section
  • Click "Edit"
  • With the padlock select box, select who you want to be able to see the @Facebook or any other email address
  • With the circle select box, choose whether the email address gets displayed on your timeline or not.
  • After the display settings are to your liking, click "Save".

Personally, even though my other settings are set to Friends, I still choose to have my e-mail address set to "Only me" and "Hidden from Timeline"
We also have "only me" but did go and reset it to our email to voice our displeasure.
Good idea, zigzag3143. My way of thinking is that if anyone needs my e-mail address or phone/cell number, then I will have already given it to them. Friends can certainly message me on Facebook if they don't have another means of contact.
Thanks even then we have throw away emails just in case. We feel that you cant be too careful. US
I did a quick test, sending an e-mail from an old e-mail account to the newly created @Facebook e-mail address. Because I have my settings to "only me" and "no one", the message was rejected.

From: Facebook <mailer-daemon@mx.facebook.com>
Subject: Sorry, your message could not be delivered
Date: 06/26/2012 10:21 AM
To: (me)

This message was created automatically by Facebook.

Based on the email preferences of the person you're trying to email, this message could not be delivered.
What you need to know about Facebook sneakily swapping users' default email addresses

Have you checked the contact information you list on your Facebook profile?
Chances are that it's now listing an @facebook.com email contact address for you.

If you don't like such a wide variety of people being able to send you messages, you will need to change your settings.

  • Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and choose "Privacy Settings".
  • Next to the "How You Connect" heading, click "Edit Settings".
  • Select your preference from the dropdown menu next to "Who can send you Facebook messages?". Remember that "Everyone" means not just everyone on Facebook, but everyone on the entire internet

When you come down to it, it really isn't an email service but another way of sending messages. The problem is that people who have their Facebook settings as "Public" rather than "Friends" are likely to be getting spam messages. As Graham Cluley said in the above-referenced Sophos article, "the @facebook.com email addresses are likely to prove attractive targets for spammers hawking goods and malicious links."

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