Evochron Mercenary


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
So... I saw this game on Steam the other day at 50% off, and decided to buy. http://www.starwraith.com/evochronmercenary/index.htm

This game is essentially a space combat/trade simulator, which I'm finding a lot of fun. I've got 14 hours on steam with it so far, and I'm still "Rookie" rank and only explored a tiny fraction of the universe. It has a hard learning curve, but it's so highly emersive I've found it hard to notice. This game was also made by one man, in his spare time... which is amazing considering how good it is. Okay, the graphics aren't Crysis level, and are a bit dated - but this game overall is brilliant if you like this sort of game. I'm flying around, mining ore in one system, buying equipment in another, and selling it in another part of the universe where the prices in the fluctuating economy are high at the moment.

I also don't think I've ever played a game this professional and complex before made by one person, where the developer (Vice) also replies to forum threads. http://www.starwraith.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=9251#pid136044

If you like simulation games, and want to play something different - give this one a go. Try the demo, I like this game. A lot. :thumbsup2:
Thanks for sharing Will!

I am about 10 hours into [prototype2] or I would give it a whirl...

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