• Still running Windows 7 or earlier? Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14th 2020. Please review the thread here for more details.

DPC Latency Windows 7 SP1


New member
Apr 2, 2014
Hello all. I know there are many posts with this topic. None have helped me. I was wondering if you guys/gals could put my problem under a microscope and help me out before I go postal.

My spec:
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
Intel i7-3930k @ 3.20GHz
RAM 48.0 GB
NVIDIA GTX 770 x2 w/SLI enabled
Samsung SSD 840 EVO 750GB x2
Sabertooth x79 Mobo

My problem:

When I built this computer it worked perfect for three days, then the DPC latency problem started. I used Latencymon and found that USBPORT.SYS was causing the problem. I have yet to find a fix for it. I've downloaded the microsoft fix multiple times with success one time, then three days later DPC latency happened again. I've reinstalled windows 7 about twelve times and of those reinstalls the computer worked with zero DPC latency three times (for three days each that is). Please tell me what info you need from me so ya'll could better assess my problem.

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