The biggest concern, that I tell people is, research your links. If it is your first time visiting that link, Google it! The best browsing advice I can give, is that. I've been browsing since I was 9 years old, and through those long and painful 15 years of my life, I've learned to watch what I go too. I've been to some nasty sites out there, *cough* 4Chan/Reddit *cough*.
Social Networking is a treasure trove for information. My abilities to post about things like Twitter and Facebook are denied due to school security policies. But..
1. Never include your full birthday.
2. Never use your parents Maiden Name
3. Never use YOUR Middle name.
4. Obviously, don't ever post your Social Security Number (SSN). And yes, I had someone do that. :facepalm:
I'm not sure if Corrine was inviting others 2 cents, or not. But I gave a nickel incase 2 cents wasn't enough