[SOLVED] Constant BSOD crashes


Oct 4, 2012
Howdy I hope you are having a great day. Let me first explain I am a old guy that didn't learn computers in my youth. My vocabulary is limited and my understanding of the simplest tasks concerning these new fangled corntraptions is ridiculous.

I have run the jcgriff2 BSOD file collection app and produced the folder for Windows7_Vista_jcgriff2 and it is sitting in my documents folder or so I think. I have tried to copy and paste it here. but it will not cooperate. Instructions tell me to echo zip the folder and what the heck does that mean I click on it and a bunch of files show. I right click on it and see no reference to echo zip.

then I tried to run system health report, clicked on start, typed in "perfmon/report", I guess something happened but you got me what the outcome was.

It looks to me I have bit off more than I can chew and am mired in deep dodo.

Okay that is enuf crabbing for now. Please accept my apologies. Please accept my sincere thanks for this great site and if I get this BSOD thing straightened out it will be a testament to the extreme patience and expertise you people possess.

Since I feel overwhelmed, I will await further instructions. I understand you folks have a great many other people waiting for your help and since I got no idea what i am doing will certainly understand if you instruct me to get more education before tackling this quite complicated endeavor.

Thanks Dave
The echo zip is a typo from the batch file. Actually, the word "echo" shouldn't be seen

To zip a folder, right click on it and select "Send to...", then select "Compressed (zipped) folder"
That'll zip it up - then follow the instructions to upload an attachment (you'll upload the .zip file)

Post back if you need further assistance - that's why we're here :0)
Usasma I thank you. Lets see if I can give you the info you need to start this process to conquer the devil in my pants (BSOD).

e machine EL1850-UR11P desktop purchased 8-1-11
Running Windows 7 home Premium w/ SP1 64 bit OEM preinstalled
Intel celeron 450
intel GMA x4500 graphics
DVD super multidrive
500 gig Hard drive
2gig DDR3 memory
multi in one media card reader
all stock that comes with that unit CPU, Motherboard, power supply
( if you need further info please tell me where to look)

Well I tried to attach the zipped file hope it got there. Aha on preview I see it.

Now then for the perfmon report. and save as a html? Huh, Steps please.

Thanks for your patience and explanations I appreciate your superhuman efforts.
They all appear to be caused by an old, old Symantec Endpoint driver dating pre-Windows 7 (Oct 2008). With a version of Symantec this old, you'll wanna strip it out and replace it with something more modern, at least one of the free options like Microsoft Security Essentials.
Thanks so much, I will get on to replacement of this outdated program and drivers in due time. At this point the kind folks on Bleeping computer (appropriate name don't ya think) have lead me thru some preliminary scans and it appears i oughta concentrate on one group of dedicated individuals.

Please accept my sincere thanks and understand that I will utilize the expertise shown on this here site, in the near future. just not till the other guys cut me loose.

If you wanna close this thread okie dokie.

If you think I should pursue this thread further, I will.

Thanks folks I am getting closer to understanding the meaning of the term Good deeds and Treat others as you would have them treat you.

Mighty fine folks on this site. Thanks for all your help. D
Ladies and Gentlemen I wanna thank you for your assistance. The devil has been cast from heaven. Happy days are here again. This baby is runnin like a scalded cat.
I want you to have a great day. See you next time I fubar this little darlin. D
Vir Gnarus your reply #4 was accurate. There were possibly more issues so I can refer you to the string of posts in my topic on Bleeping Computers site. Titled
"BSOD But I Can access in Safe Mode" found here, http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic470555.html .

I traveled far and wide to get to the promised land and appreciate all efforts to convert my sinners ways to the path of wisdom and light.

I have been to many sites when my dang mangled machine stutters and stumbles and am amazed at the propensity of wise sages doling assistance and insight to blind and dull mice wandering aimlessly about the winter tundra.

I thank you and yours for the time and trouble you go thru to help the helpless. We appreciate your efforts.

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