Hello, and welcome to Sysnative :)
Your SFC scan results are nothing to be concerned about. I will explain more later, but basically, the corruption it is detecting is not going to cause you any problems, and is best left unfixed.
Your SP2 failure is caused by something else. However, I would like to run a more powerful tool first to see the bigger picture before jumping in and beginning the fix.
- Please download the System Update Readiness Tool from Microsoft ->here<-. Save the tool to a convenient location as it may be necessary to run it again.
- After the download has completed, double-click the file and wait while it initializes.
- Click Yes to begin installation.
Then, once it has completed installing (please be patient, it may take up to an hour (or very occasionally longer) to complete):
please upload your
C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.persist.log file just as you did with
Thank you!