Thanks..when running memtest...if it does come back as bad memory, will it tell you which stick is bad?
Thanks..when running memtest...if it does come back as bad memory, will it tell you which stick is bad?

No, I'm almost certain it doesn't (although I am going off the top of my head). You will need to start testing sticks one at a time at that point to discover which is bad.
Not like I've got nothing to do all day Tuesday/Wednesday....we're supposed to get a foot of snow here on the Crystal Coast of NC. I reckon that'll be my plan for 24 - 48 hours.
Thanks..when running memtest...if it does come back as bad memory, will it tell you which stick is bad?

No, I'm almost certain it doesn't (although I am going off the top of my head). You will need to start testing sticks one at a time at that point to discover which is bad.


If Memtest finds errors, it's just saying all of your memory running together is a big no-no. At that point, you'll have to go ahead and test one stick at a time. If you find the one stick that has errors, try it in different DIMM slots to be sure it's not a motherboard issue.

I thought a stride was related to some form of memory access, in order to improve performance? It could be related to driver problems.

2: kd> [COLOR=#008000]!chkimg !nt -f[/COLOR]
Warning: Any detected errors will be fixed to what we expect!
[COLOR=#ff0000]7 errors (fixed)[/COLOR]: !nt (fffff80002f17f80-fffff80002f17fb8)
It could be caused by an application that's touching incorrect memory by attempting to null out a stride of an array, but the most common case I've seen of memory stride corruption involving nulls would be problems with the RAM itself. I don't know the mechanics behind it - perhaps a stride was touched but the data in the stride was promptly lost unexpectedly, or data is physically held on RAM chips in such manner and it's actually physically contiguous strip of memory that was lost. Dunno, all I do know is that most commonly RAM is responsible. But yes ruling out possibility of software being responsible would not be wise either.
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