BSOD on win7 Kernel problem?


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Hi everyone,

I've uploaded in regards to this:
I did those two things there and made a .rar of the results - hope you can use that.

I tried to upload my DMP file but it won't let me access it - any help here would be appreciated if that's needed.

I'm doing the other steps while waiting.

I know my way around computers, but only basic stuff, analyzing DMP files etc. is not my cup of tea :).
What happens is that I boot a game and can play for a while, but suddenly I get a blue screen.
This can happen when the game has just booted or an hour or two into it.

The bluescreens started happening when I tested a faulty monitor through my pc, which also installed a software when connected. Therefore I have resetted my pc to fabric setup - we can call it a complete reinstallation.

But today, one day after resetting everything I had a bluescreen when I started my game.

I hope someone can help me, and tell what's wrong so I can get this pc running again.

Additional information:
Alienware m17x R3, almost a year old.
I have 3 years support so if it's any hardware related fault I can call them to switch the hardware.

But I'd like to see if anyone here can help me before calling Dell to replace stuff, if it's not necesarry.

Thanks in advance.


I got one memory dump out of the upload. It points to your nVidia display drivers.
- download a fresh copy of the latest video display drivers from the nVidia website:
- uninstall the current video drivers
- install the freshly downloaded video drivers
- test for further BSOD's.

If you're still having trouble with the memory dumps, try copying them to the Desktop before trying to zip them up.

More to follow, but I saw that you were watching this :0)
Try the troubleshooting steps for the STOP error here:
This was just rewritten (between my last post and this one) - so you'll probably be the first to test drive it!

Only 116 updates since SP1 - most systems have 130 to 140. Please visit Windows Update and get ALL available updates.

Bigfoot Killer network cards had driver issues a while back (about a year as I recall) - but I never saw any that were on wireless devices. I'd suggest just being aware of this (and not doing anything about it just yet).

The following is for informational purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sun Oct 14 03:58:34.513 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\John\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\101412-24663-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version [B]7601 [/B](Service Pack 1) MP (8 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].17944.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:19:14.387[/B]
BugCheck Code: [B]BugCheck 116, {fffffa8007b83240, fffff88004031704, ffffffffc000009a, 4}[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvkflt.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvkflt.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nvkflt.sys ( nvkflt+31704 )[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (116)[/B]
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x116_IMAGE_nvkflt.sys[/B]
**************************Sun Oct 14 03:58:34.513 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Sun Oct 14 03:58:34.513 2012 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
intelppm.sys                Mon Jul 13 19:19:25 2009 (4A5BC0FD)
PxHlpa64.sys                Tue Oct 20 14:08:42 2009 (4ADDFCAA)
amdxata.sys                 Fri Mar 19 12:18:18 2010 (4BA3A3CA)
iaStorV.sys                 Thu Jun 10 20:46:19 2010 (4C11875B)
btwampfl.sys                Mon Jul 12 21:41:18 2010 (4C3BC43E)
Accelern.sys                Fri Aug 20 14:04:57 2010 (4C6EC3C9)
stdcfltn.sys                Fri Aug 20 14:05:01 2010 (4C6EC3CD)
iaStor.sys                  Mon Sep 13 21:23:32 2010 (4C8ECE94)
HECIx64.sys                 Tue Sep 21 12:59:04 2010 (4C98E458)
L1C62x64.sys                Mon Sep 27 02:36:23 2010 (4CA03B67)
IntcDAud.sys                Fri Oct 15 04:28:17 2010 (4CB810A1)
nusb3hub.sys                Thu Feb 10 00:52:32 2011 (4D537D20)
nusb3xhc.sys                Thu Feb 10 00:52:33 2011 (4D537D21)
Ak27x64.sys                 Tue Feb 22 11:29:32 2011 (4D63E46C)
bflwfx64.sys                Thu Mar 10 10:08:25 2011 (4D78E969)
stwrt64.sys                 Thu Mar 17 04:21:47 2011 (4D81C49B)
RtsPStor.sys                Thu Mar 24 04:04:09 2011 (4D8AFAF9)
igdkmd64.sys                Sun Apr 10 14:50:59 2011 (4DA1FC13)
nvBridge.kmd                Sun Jun 26 18:06:57 2011 (4E07AD81)
nvlddmkm.sys                Tue Oct  2 14:21:13 2012 (506B3099)
nvpciflt.sys                Tue Oct  2 14:21:40 2012 (506B30B4)
nvkflt.sys                  Tue Oct  2 14:21:49 2012 (506B30BD)
Hey Usasma,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm about to uninstall my current driver, even though I formatted my pc yesterday and installed the newest driver as the first thing.

But I'll try and clean the driver and install it again :).
Is all the Carrona links something I should be aware of? I don't understand them sorry.

Once again thanks, I'm trying to install Nvidia drivers again.


I'm gonna give the formatting a new try and use the old drivers dells support page recommend, as back before I upgraded drivers I've never had any problems.
So I'll try that.

There's also a Nvidia Bios update that's flagged Urgent on their website - maybe I should get that aswell.

I'll check back to see your answer once it's done :)
Current driver isn't necessarily the latest
And also, the current driver may be corrupted.
So it's best to use the latest one that you can find.

I designed the stuff at to be helpful to a wide range of people - so it's going to be a bit difficult to understand at times.
Don't worry about that - if necessary we can walk you through it.

Any BIOS update flagged as URGENT is probably a good idea.
Be careful with BIOS updates - mistakes aren't tolerated.
Dunno if there's an automated BIOS flash tool for Alienware - but if there is, use it!

A quick look here: shows that the A12 update applies a fix for the graphics card (you currently have version A09 of your BIOS installed).
Thanks once again Usasma.

I installed an older Nvidia driver though, as the latest 306.97 I think it's called - is the one I've had blue screens with. So gonna try and run with an older.

Also gonna update bios through the link you've given.
I'm happy for the help provided and fast answers :)
Not a problem, but I'm headed out the door shortly (IT emergency at the wife's office)
I'll check back in as I'm able....
Good luck!

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